I'd like to mention that the only job a regular admin has is to punish people for breaking the rules. They are by definition only given extra power to stop certain people from playing the game the way they do.
Whether or not that leads to more people enjoying their experience or if it "keeps players playing" seems to depend, in the eyes of the community, on who it is getting punished. See also the thread's title for more on that debate.
I stand by what i said
"holy fuck what a shit community, with
gayass rules and bullshit admins
if they arnt cheating \ hacking, UNBAN THEM ALL" <<<<<<<<<<<<
Correct me if i am wrong, Lemon was permabanned for...chatting the way you dont like?
You dont wanna be labeled a bullshit admin, then dont perma ban someone when you can mute them, how many pointless bans have there been that could have been resolved simply by mutting them? IE people arnt getting banned because they "break the rules", they get banned by an admin that doesnt like them.
Rules for "how players are allowed to chat" are thee stupidest rules any game with a mute function can have.
The end result ALWAYS is a environment where certain people can say whatever they want, and get a thousand warnings for breaking such a meager rule as "chat abuse", while others get banned instantly for doing the exact same thing if they arnt liked by an admin.