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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #585 on: March 03, 2018, 09:59:17 pm »
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« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 10:17:13 pm by Butan »

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #586 on: March 04, 2018, 12:40:44 am »
>never eat anything good
>starve yourself
>be smug
<die anyway

>everything you eat is good, you avoid crap food
>you feel hunger until you kick out poison from your system
>you're smug about being unemployed/useless to society, i just want to help people not die before their time
>everybody wants to live a moment longer, no matter how old they are, why help the nature to kill you when you can prolong your life?

By the way, aren't you on low carb diet? If you are, you should know well how hard is to get fat while eating fat and proteins. Eating fat doesn't make you fat, eating excess of sugar makes you fat. Besides, you can't eat as much fat or protein like you can sugar because neither fat or protein create addiction while sugar does. You can only eat so much protein or fat before you get sick, while it takes a ton of sugar to make you want to vommit and with time that amount is rising, because you develop higher tolerance to sugar.

Arteries getting clogged isn't because of eating fat. It's because of smoking, it fucks up with arterial walls then all the shit invades arteries and clog them. Food industry advocates lied to us for decade claiming how best possible food we have available is actually bad for us, the egg yolk. And that animal fat is also bad for us. But in reality fuckers couldn't produce enough animal specimen to feed the world, so they invented highly processed, almost syntethic replacements.

Today we're on a brink of being capable of creating meat without having raise living and breathing animals, to feed them, keep them in sheds, look after them. Why would we need to keep eating processed bullshit? I'd choose genetically modified meat over vegetable oil any time of the day. I'm not ignorant redneck to think they are trying to decimate population with GM meat, but not dumb enough not to realize they sold us shit food because they weren't able to produce enough good food for everybody.

90% of food you can buy at any supermarket is crap food. 90% of the food that is advertized everywhere is crap food. And since we are what we eat, that means 90% of people are crap people but I'm not entirely sure is that entirely their own fault or fault of the system throwing shit to them to ingest.

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #587 on: March 04, 2018, 12:42:31 am »
>everything you eat is good, you avoid crap food
>you feel hunger until you kick out poison from your system
>you're smug about being unemployed/useless to society, i just want to help people not die before their time
>everybody wants to live a moment longer, no matter how old they are, why help the nature to kill you when you can prolong your life?

By the way, aren't you on low carb diet? If you are, you should know well how hard is to get fat while eating fat and proteins. Eating fat doesn't make you fat, eating excess of sugar makes you fat. Besides, you can't eat as much fat or protein like you can sugar because neither fat or protein create addiction while sugar does.

Arteries getting clogged isn't because of eating fat. It's because of smoking, it fucks up with arterial walls then all the shit invades arteries and clog them. Food industry advocates lied to us for decade claiming how best possible food we have available is actually bad for us, the egg yolk. And that animal fat is also bad for us. But in reality fuckers couldn't produce enough animal specimen to feed the world, so they invented highly processed, almost syntethic replacements.

Today we're on a brink of being capable of creating meat without having raise living and breathing animals, to feed them, keep them in sheds, look after them. Why would we need to keep eating processed bullshit? I'd choose genetically modified meat over vegetable oil any time of the day. I'm not ignorant redneck to think they are trying to decimate population with GM meat, but not dumb enough not to realize they sold us shit food because they weren't able to produce enough good food for everybody.

90% of food you can buy at any supermarket is crap food. 90% of the food that is advertized everywhere is crap food. And since we are what we eat, that means 90% of people are crap people but I'm not entirely sure is that entirely their own fault or fault of the system throwing shit to them to ingest.
I'm not on any diet. I'm an elite specimen, I don't gain fat no matter what I eat.

We aren't what we eat, we're star dust. Even the Black Science Man knows this.
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in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #588 on: March 04, 2018, 12:44:28 am »
No matter the genetics, that lasts only till you hit 29 or so. Then it hits you and hits you hard if you aren't taking care of yourself. We aren't perfect machines although we're very sophisticated and durable.

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #589 on: March 09, 2018, 10:39:25 pm »
video by the actual white house, thanks america

« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 10:42:44 pm by Vibe »

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #590 on: March 09, 2018, 11:23:33 pm »
Trump is not an idiot as everybody believed. He might be actually smart, a bit like Putin. Ban of video games would be incredibly beneficial for American youth. Because as things stand, average young American has poor education, is obese, and has zero ability for critical thinking and is usually playing dumb video games for many hours every day. Such citizens are making for extremely poor outcome for the country in the future. Importing world's elite to work for United States can only do so much, but can't fix the issue of raising millions practically useless people.

I liked some of the games they've shown (Manhunt for example) but objectively those videos games offer nothing of substance and some of them like every Call of Duty can only make you dumber person in the long run.

They can paint it as violence problem, school shooting problem, whatever, but they would be doing themselves a favor if they put this modern scourge under control.

I honestly think they should reverse marijuana laws and make it illegal again. Because they'll have as many lung cancer cases in few decades like they would have if they never tried to eradicate tobacco usage among general population. Average people are dumb, you can't expect them to have enough mental strength to figure out what is extremely bad for them, they will willingly poison themselves until they drop dead.

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #591 on: March 09, 2018, 11:51:00 pm »
In general yeah. The issue with video games isnt violence. Its just constant idless that provides zero to no substance. I doubt just a straight up ban would help that much thou. People will find new ways to just be idle, they did it before the popularity of video games and they will do it after. As far as ive seen in my country, id say the younger women here in general(a demographic that doesnt really game) are about as helpful and capable in the general society as your average male dedicated gamer whose been living at home most his life.

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #592 on: March 10, 2018, 12:39:18 am »
The same games are played in other countries that people dont go out and shoot-up the neighborhood or schools because they played a "violent" vidya game or watched a "violent" movie.
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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #593 on: March 10, 2018, 12:43:39 am »
Evolution is a thing and it doesn't need millions of years to see gradual changes happen. Tibetans changed physically in less than 2000 years. I think that evolution is responsible for the way women think. In early days of humanity, physically stronger sex as nature dictates established dominance over the weaker sex. In humans males are stronger, just like mantis females are stronger sex. Throughout the course of history, with influence of religions, women minds were shaped in a certain way. I don't think it's biological thing from the get go, something they were predestined for. It's just how it happened given circumstances. Females can change and will probably change if things change in the future. Genetic engineering will erase the difference between males and females and equality will be widely accepted thing of life. That will probably affect civilization in various ways, maybe even lead to crumble of civilziation as we know it. Social interaction can change and become extremely weird from current point of view.

That's my theory why many females are just as useless like your average NEET male with no practical skills and lots of baggage (addictions, obesity, possible financial debt). But in my country I'm seeing more and more females being employed on previously male jobs and doing mostly fine. Not that I consider these jobs particularly useful in grand scheme of things, but in current social and economical climate these people are certainly respected and need for society to function.

Biggest issue human individual can have is inability to adapt, because adaptability is our best trait and reason why we're the dominant specie on this planet. We can adapt ourselves to our surroundings and vice versa, something other animals aren't capable of. Which is why I'm sad every time I see Oberyn or Angantyr rambling over muslim threat because it is out of their reach and they struggle to adapt to it. In the same way they can't adapt to womens changing, their role changing and their freedoms changing. And can't even imagine how different things may become in the future nor they want to think about it.

I'm usually trying to break the mold and keep one step ahead of current trends, because if I somehow succeed in that extremely difficult to achieve task, will put me in advantagous position compared to others and human life is mostly about competition and improvent which comes from it. Current mold and socially accepted status is gaming is a global thing, part of culture, mainstream. Used to be part of counter-culture and niche phenomenonand I was experiencing it in my country. Most people are conformist and see it as an attack against their person when someone speaks ill about problems with video gaming hobby, those same people would ridicule you just 30 years prior for standing up for gaming as a viable hobby. After more than two decades of experience with video games and countless hours spent on playing video games, I think I'm more than well equiped to talk about it. Most scientists analyze certain phenomena for shorter periods of time and claim their analysys have merit. Of course they use scientific method which helps standardize results and gives their higher probability of being correct but two decades of experience with anything is invaluable for any sort of analysis. Most younger people now entering gaming world aren't aware of the pitfalls they are about to face and how gaming and especially excessive gaming which is a thing nowadays due to phychology being huge part of game marketing, will shape their life and their future.

tl;dr gaming more bad than good and women being dumb isn't relevant to issues gaming creates in males, it's smart certain people are trying to regulate it and help millions people end up being better people in the future
« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 12:50:28 am by Leshma »

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #594 on: March 10, 2018, 12:46:44 am »
The same games are played in other countries that people dont go out and shoot-up the neighborhood or schools because they played a "violent" vidya game or watched a "violent" movie.

Due to wars, there is about 60% of mostly illegal firearms per capita in Serbia. But adults don't give those to children to play and children can't legally obtain firearms. But violence issues are there, there is more than ever brutal fights among elementary school students and many of those involve knives.

It's matter of availability when it comes to firearms. But that doesn't change the fact youth is more aggressive than few decades prior. Video games might not have anything to do with it but they aren't helping and might tangentially affect true reasons why youth is aggressive.

Put ban on firearms in USA and you'll see spike in knife attacks. Put ban on knives and they'll choose weapon of choice. But that won't make them less aggressive. In Europe that might not be the issue but they sure are being dumber than ever and I can vouch games are taking part in that.

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #595 on: March 10, 2018, 12:53:35 am »
Well I guess we all should stop playing crpg and native and not buy Bannerlord as you are riding around chopping people with swords and smashing with mauls and shooting them with bows and crossbows and throwing weapons. Shut it down shut it all down.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 01:04:31 am by Asheram »
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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #596 on: March 10, 2018, 08:30:14 am »
Average people are dumb, you can't expect them to have enough mental strength to figure out what is extremely bad for them

yes i can!

they will willingly poison themselves until they drop dead.

i cannot really imagine a large section of people that restrain themselves from consumption of psychotropic substances purely out of fear or respect of law/punishment. as you've said- average folk are not very intelligent by certain standards. not citing my shit, but seen plenty of survey studies of convicted criminals that suggests nearly ALL of them have absolutely no thought of the potential consequences of their actions. surely some few people have been dissuaded through propaganda campaigns of DARE and similar things I guess, but long story short, a motherfucker wants to smoke weed, smoke meth, bump heroin, or whatever the fuck under the sun, they'll do it, law or no.

do you really reckon that you'd see a significant portion of citizenry of the US begin to regularly take and become addicted to hard or soft drugs, if they were legalized? maybe my bias but through all of the folk I have met the only ones that fit this classification are people abstaining from weed because of employment (or judicial) drug tests.

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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #597 on: March 27, 2018, 06:40:11 pm »
0  bored?  Gamble on political outcomes and help prove market models can forecast future events.

Trump being impeached by the end of 2018?  Yes selling for $0.13

Put your money where your mouth is.
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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #598 on: March 27, 2018, 07:12:43 pm »
any EU's got the inside information on next italian prime minister?  could make some money on a underdog ballot win.
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Re: Meanwhile in USA
« Reply #599 on: March 27, 2018, 11:50:52 pm »
any EU's got the inside information on next italian prime minister?  could make some money on a underdog ballot win.

Some Russian puppet, I guess. It's popular these days, president of strongest country in the world is Russian puppet as well. And Italians have had these kind of PMs in the past, Romano Prodi for example.

KGB on one side, Jewish secret cults on the other. May the most capable human win.

What is interesting, KGB was founded by Jews as Cheka but since then Jews were purged from KGB and Soviet Union.