I doubt it. Simply because most stop watching when the first hairs grow on their balls and they get a girlfriend
Eurocentric much? This is already happening for a decade atleast in Asia, example Korea where you have whole families sitting in front of a TV watching the national Starcraft championships.
Games became far more than a "nerds hobby" rather an acceptible lifestyle and having real life including a girlfriend and wide circle of friends is not only reserved for "normal people" gamers can have that too you know.
Comments like this from a gamer doesn't help at all and add to the concept of gamers not leading "real lives" and being some sort of unsocial cave dwellers. sure gaming and forums like this are a great hideout for the shut ins and socially awkward people and gives them a chance of socialisation, but now days gaming is not as excusive as before and you'll find more "normal" people online then you used to.
Only thing that changes when you get older is the lack of time you have to dedicate to gaming and this is where I see esports getting big and there are people that would like to watch a CS or Dota match before sleep rather than some shit on TV.