Agreed completely. Couldn't think of anyone to play the paragon of sincerity than you.
I'll try and work on being a conniving, scheming, two-faced piece of shit. Won't be easy though.
Actually I think you got it down pretty good last strat - conniving to take out aow with chaos' help, rejoining cc primarily to get them to fight us, etc. etc. Anytime I out-fought and killed you on battle server - sending me secret rage messages by forum and pm about how much you hated me, while pretending to be otherwise in front of others.
The difference is I'm a blunt instrument on forums and in ts - no need for conniving for fcc, no spies or secret recordings (like people did to us) - we just said lets fuck these fuckers up and did it - no need for subtlety - no pretending. Ask politely for mercs, directly attack the people we were fighting, when we made promises we always delivered, etc.
But more on what I was actually referring to:
The whole merc recruitment thing though in tses - I think its just you were not used to asking polite requests of others - no conniving, just felt artificial like a used car salesman making his pitch because I think you had trouble asking directly. Your voice was significantly different from your normal vocal tones whenever you asked, like you took on a role trying to pretend how little you cared if they signed up or if you won while really really wanting them to and needing to win (I'm competitive too, but I wouldn't pretend like it didn't matter unless it actually was an unimportant battle).