Kesh, honestly, if you didn't always nerd herd to get people to sign against us, we wouldn't be forced to do shit like this. I mean, I had a long day at work on Friday and when I got home, I was exhausted. So, being tired and not wanting to strain my internet friendships any further, I didn't do the normal begging to get my friends to sign up for a 200 man battle. Unfortunately, we lost the battle because of it. But it is actually your behavior that forces clans to take this approach. The weather is getting warmer outside, and I'm going to be at my computer even less and less. So, while you are in your basement wearing your tinfoil getting people to sign up for every 100 man naked Hospitaller army or some EU traders that you invited into NA, or whoever it is you are supporting while still accusing everyone else of running Mega Alliances, I'm going to get my ass back in the gym again and get in a lot more beach time this year. Now, I don't know if you orchestrated the defense for the battle we lost or not, but I don't have the energy or the time to always be on my toes, worrying about stealth rosters. So hopefully, some of the L's, C's and O's will pick up the slack with the rosters, and I can just show up on cold and rainy days.