I'm a wee bit curious (due to recent events) as to what your policy is regarding foreign factions attacking people peacefully passing (with your permission) through your lands? As an example I present the good and kind Bryggan. He, though sorely tempted did not buy your wonderful, well made and oh so cheap goods, but instead completely and whole heartedly abided by your rules. Yet, when he passed on by New Shitball Zoomer, with troops suffering from exhaustion but gaining enough strength to celebrate the fact they escaped DSE lands into neutral territory. "chadz be praised" they cried, "thank Armagon we have survived this harrowing adventure!"
But this was not to be. A murderous murdering murderer with a beard (oh, I get the name now!) attacked the poor fellows at least 5 clicks past their border town. Do we or do we not have borders? If this valiant Bryggan fellow ever offended the mighty Keyboard Warriors enough to get this kiss in the olive grove, let them collect their 30 pieces of silver. If this brilliant tactition and all-round great guy must stand alone and shed his and his oh so brave men's blood on the desert's sands, then so be it.
But I hope all honour is not dead in Strat, and I hope shame is still a curse to be avoided. But I am new to Strat, and perhaps sitting in feifs counting silver is more important than showing valiance in war, in pride of one's own faction. Freedom is worth fighting for, and respect is worth dying for (well, not you, but your nameless troops). Or, of course, you can turn a blind eye to the attacks on your sovereignty. I guess in a way a Vichy government is better than no government at all.
This is, of course, just a polite inquiry. I am sure your members are enjoying their neutrality while the rest of us are girded for war, poised and pouncing, planning and collaborating, arming and maneuvering. Someone will eventually win this war, then we will head into the next. Not sure who the teams will be then, but it will be all blood, death and glory. Which is the whole point of me being here.