First, how would you define participating ?
Being on the roster is a given.
Showing up during the battle for at least one xp tick is essential.
And then, we don't have any mean to know if the guy stayed longer, if the guy didn't leech in a corner, while there's very very few admins, and if he didn't suicide all map.
In general, i would be against this terrible idea. It would mean you can get ticks to get troops and gold by fighting strat battle, wich means there's no use to playing cRPG afterwards, since you just have to fight for 20min in some 400 vs 400 to get as many ticks as 4 hours of cRPG ?
Even if it's just one symbolic strat tic per participation in a strat battle, i'd be against it. You sign up in a battle for your belief, for the pay and for the xp. And maybe, just maybe, for the fun. I don't see any place for strat tics in there.