Felt the need for some crying
Even with the new speed buff for heavy lance,
why should somebody ever consider to play lance cav nowadays? You can´t outrange enemies anymore, almost every weapon can rear your horse and you glace so often that people already started to call this class "
glance cav".
Most people now even play 1hcav with an additional great lance, they just ride around and couch some cheap kills, if they get reared they just switch to 1h, spam and slowly ride away with their tanks.
Also, it´s plausible that a horse rears when you stab it from the front side, but no. fucking. animal. would ever rear if you hurt it from the side. But it still happens. Stab my horse into the butt and it will rear. (
lol no wait thats not funny, its depressing and sad as shit
So what mostly happens is this: I carefully try to ninja people and try to hit them. But mostly I
- glance and deal no damage at all
- get attacked from the side, rear, die
- get shot, die
- get stopped by 1h cav, die
I might be also bad since I´m a bit out of practice, I mostly play bowbimbo, but I can´t get rid of the feeling that lance cav is currently the most useless cav class around.
much tears, so sad