For me 2-handed is the most difficult class, my own feeling, and because of this I'm playing this class;
otherwise this game wouldn't be a real challenge, since, for me, Polearmer and Shielder is super easy-mode. (Ranged wouldn't be any fun for me)
Yes, and now start crying, shit-posting because I guess this will just become another 2h-QQ thread
The thing about 2 handers i've noticed is that the swing animations before you release are much better than poles. Its like they blend together when you feint left and right, especially if you start with the stab animation. With poles they are clunky and you can see earlier on which swing is being prepped. You see people spamming right swing with poles because of that - polearms just don't feint convincingly compared to 2 handers.
Although comparable poles are longer and so slow your movement down more, they don't really gain any reach and they get caught on stuff more. The good thing about poles is the extra damage you with some, they have much better shield breakers because of unbalanced and their shield breakers get a stab. The rear with poles is also a really nice ability
Poles also have access to the 2D and hoplite class which is worth specing into poles for. If I had to have 1 wpf it would still be poles just for the versatility and they are still comparable to 2 handers in duels, just not quite as good
So 2 hand not easy mode, but it does get some advantages. I wouldn't really change anything though except maybe make poles have nicer animations before you release the attack
Serious post in a troll thread