Ehm no, that'll just make it SO much easier for leechers to leech gold. It's not as easy to define when someone is suiciding, because smart leechers will do it in a way that doesn't make it look like it.
Although, and i have absolutely no idea how hard it is to implement, to raise the amount of gold you get the higher your gear is. Meaning, you will receive less gold for wearing peasant equipment (Since the repairs are nearly nothing andnew players get good gold anyway), maybe even mid-tear equipment getting a little less or the same amount and the heavy gear getting quite the buff when it comes to gold. If players earn more money on heavy gear that should definitely encourage everyone to bring their best gear.
Not sure what to do with ranged, though. Should get a buff, too, or just no repairs on arrows (Because they are the problem when it comes to upkeep on archers) and bolts. Throwing is fine imo.
I still don't feel too good about that idea, too. Even right now i rarely lose any gold when going full plate and i don't want to lure too many people from battle/siege to dtv just because it's fucking gold mine.
So far Fips, as of last patch, I cant make gold in my normal gear which is medium, and that is because we all die on ninjas. We cant get to higher rounds where the real profit xp and gold wise is. Once in a while the clouds break and we make it to Tihr round to die, but even I armed with the best of my clan and Acre together couldnt get past Tihr. All acre fellows had plate on too, and so did I and my skilled mate Hitla. Ive lost all my gold in DTV and now my items are starting to break. I could break even before because I was at least paid enough to fix my gear and continue the fight but we simply cant get far enough on DTV to make gold.
The ninjas in particular are overpowered, they need a nerf and especially remove the 2hand from the black-lamellar ninjas, they swing through the others worse than old weaboos!
DTV must not become a goldmine, but it most not become straight desert either. I agree, but
If you can make the waves less harsh, that would fix some of the problems now faced, and if the gold was restored to normal, certainly that would right a lot of the wrong. And yet, to go even farther,
I approve of no repairs on DTV. It actually sounds like a good idea.
And if people are going to suicide anyway which time and time again has shown that they will, why hurt the team by not letting us use our heavier armor? Why not let the leeching scum suicide while the rest of the team survives?