Dont go full retard Steveee... You where being such a champ earlier..
Also yes, archery is easy mode, its a point an click adventure when high lvl.
On hi lvl archery is easier than on 30, but all i wrote here is to show how crappy archery is ATM. If hi lvl bundle of sticks playing this game for few years as dedicated archer have some ploblems with killing, guys making retirements and not going over lvl 31 are having quite hard times.
I agree with you steevee, I feel nerfed..
Shooting low armored agi whores is still almost as it was before, difference is noticable when your tagget is well armored.
As na example I'll use hi lvl str player Butan.
Before patch I were killing him in about 4 shots.
Today i shot him 5 times and he were still standing. Maybe you will say that's not much, but he also got 2 arrows more from my clanmate, after that he killed 2 more guys. (not all shots were clean body shots, but we were shooting at him from about 10 meters).
Both of us were using long bow and bodkins - most deadly archer weapon against armored players.
As you can see output dmg is way lower if target will have good armor. We should also remember that most of melee players habe fully loomed equipment.
Imo this patch gots the best solution about dealing dmg (read: nerfing ranged)
But now there is some kind of problem IMO:
To use heaviest armor in game you need only 16 STR (18 for heaviest gloves, but not many ppl are using them). It should be a bit higher IMO.
Why i think that? Answer is simple: Guy in full plate can easilly catch an archer using rags with almost no weight. It should looks a bit different.