I don't understand how you can complain man. You have 10 athletics. If you just kept running thoughtfully you wouldn't ever be bumped by cav. Bumbo_Jones (or whatever name he has) constantly kept dismounting cav coming at him while playing his shield+rondel dagger char. Not to mention that you do carry a red tassel spear with you and can stop any horse coming at any distance, even if it glances on a horse.
Also don't complain at the damage taken from bumps because it's really small now. Bumps have been nerfed quite few times. Destrier-like horses barely hurt. Oh wait, forgot that you like to run around in red gambeson. Such armour. Much protection. No shit xbowers 1hit you. 15str and 0IF if I remember properly. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Also you're complaining at shits being fast while you have how much, 190 weapon profficiency in 1h? Also ye actually among the stabs that gained on power 1h stab got most of it, so you don't actually have much to complain about as a 1h.
You even went to the point at which you said 'nudge spam' .............................................. omg <facepalm>
True thing that kicks are broken. Promote long weapon usage or keeping the distance which slows down the fight as well.
(sorry for the wall of text)
i have 34 body armour, 15 strength, 9 athletics and 158 1h WPF. I usually rear 3-5 horses per round, when they take what should be enormous risks (but they're not because they have godlike horses/armour), and if i am not paying attention for one second, they kill me in one hit, or they bump me for ~~ 1/3 - 1/4 of my hp. because everyone uses cataphract nowadays (just look at the cavalry next time you spawn), even if i bait them and successfully stab them at full speed, they can do this 2, 3, 4 times and still survive. i can't always be paying attention, sometimes i have to fight other infantry.
bumbo tones is a lot faster than me.
i don't abuse 1h stab like half the idiots on the server.
nudge spam is when i'm fighting 2v1, 3v1, 4v1 (as i seem to spend half my time doing lately), and they all spam nudge, and i am dead. there is literally nothing you can do to counter when fighting 2, 3, 4 guys and they're all spamming nudge/kick. you're literally just dead as a shielder. at least one of them can constantly hit the nudge/kick.
the kicks are beyond broken. i have 9 athletics so (im not as fast as bumbo tones but) i'm pretty bloody fast. i dodge kicks on my screen all the time (sometimes i'm literally
behind the guy who's kicked), and then i take the kick because of the invisible radius they decided to give kicks. sometimes i'm backing away from kicks, get to about a meter's length IRL, and i get kicked. it literally out-ranges my left swing. it out ranges my overhead. i'm not using a small weapon (95 reach). if i want to fight against someone who is kick spamming with a longer weapon than me, my only options are right swing (and only if i do it at max range) or stab spam. or i get kicked. constantly.
the stab is beyond beyond broken. i have 158 wpf and a loomed nordic war sword. i use 3.6 weight of armour. when i'm fighting
archers these days, i have to slow down my fight considerably because even with 50 wpf their stab completely outspeeds my leftswing. if an archer is spamming kicks and 1h stab, he can survive 30+ seconds against me just by doing this. i have to completely slow everything down to not get hit by this ridiculous stab. sometimes, when i'm fighting pure polearmers, they stab, i block it, and they stab again without blocking whilst i am trying to do a leftswing return attack, and they hit me before i hit them. it's beyond broken.
these reasons, are what makes crpg basically low-no fun for me right now. i wouldn't be lieing to say 9/10 of my deaths are to these things right now.