Tydeus: Changed extra penetration soak & reduced values to 1.6 and 0.5 respectably. Reduced missile damage speed power.
Tydeus: Doubled the active range of flags on Battle. First round flags will now spawn 30 seconds into the round.
So my flag change is broken and simply causes the first round to act like any other round, but the extra pen and reduced missile damage, speed power(power as in exponent) is complicated.
The extra pen change reduces ranged damage at high armor values. Most weapons are affected by this at least slightly, some more than others, the only real exception worth talking about would be throwing lances. The missile speed power affects all range, but mostly just horse
archers ranged and throwing(when either the thrower or the target is moving). They're not buffs, this is meant as a nerf to the maximum damage horse ranged are capable of(due to speed bonus).
Edit: edited for clarification.