Most of you noticed the increase ... throwers
Ahahaha no, there were very few throwers over recent months, and after the last 2 patches even this has dropped to pretty much nothing.
They do quiet good damage from range.
Throwing must be done from point blank as the accuracy is TERRIBLE and if you miss or hit a shield that is one of your 6 shots gone for the game.
They are not that expansive.
Throwing weapons are some of if not THE most expensive weapons in the game if you compare damage to cost.
You can do quiet good with specific builds.(15-24 strongbow HA,18-21 longbow/yumi for example)
No build can save dedicated throwing at the moment.
It's fun because people cannot block your attacks,so killing an unskilled peasant newbie or a duel master beast do have same difficulties for you.
Get a shield? Learn to evade shots? An unskilled peasant will be far less able to dodge and keep moving in random ways than someone who has more experience, even full strength tincans can dodge arrows if they know are coming.
You don't have to practice a lot because it is simple.
Well apart from the whole having to learn tactical positions on the map, target selection, range finding...etc...etc...
This is even worse for throwers because if you miss or worse hit the wrong target it is very difficult or flat out impossible to get your ammo back and you have next to none of it.
Press left click wait till the crosshair gets tight then release.
The throwing crosshair NEVER gets tight, a horse can ride through it.