Thoughts on patch:
-The increase of shield resistance is a good change, but I think it may have been a little bit too much of an increase. Increasing by 5 (instead of 10) on the lower resistance shields would have been a better start IMO. And the highest resistance shields (like my knightly heater shield) really don't need any, or much of a buff at all. With 4 shield skill and 31 resistance, I always felt that it was a very durable shield to have.
-Instead of reducing the weight on shields, would it be possible to decrease the effect shield weight has on your athletics (run speed)? Or is it just a general "weight affects athletics"? Lowering shield weight is nice to allow more mobility for shielders, but it also makes them more susceptible to crushthrough and being stunned.
Also there's still two unaddressed things that I think would greatly improve c-rpg:
-Kicks are still a problem for me, but as far as I know, cmp would have to edit WSE2 in order to fix it.
*The kick duration (effective animation) time is too long.
*The reach is a little too far
*The radius on the kick is too wide.
**Would be nice if this was fixed, I think the "native" kick we used to use, was better than the current kick is (I'd rather someone kicking be able to block, than have a cartoon kick
that is too wide, too much reach, and lasts too long).
-Team balance is still a problem, and has been for years. Implement a proper team balance system and you'll solve a lot of the whining and complaining about "too many of 'x' class", or "y 'playstyle/class/item' is OP".
*Balance should take into account what "class" you are (not sure if you go based on skills alone, or based on items equipped), doesn't need to be balanced 100%, but should be
somewhat even distribution among both teams
*Balance should take into account player skill. Not sure if that's purely K:D, or if you can go more granular and do something like ratio of damage given vs damage taken;
also not sure if you should take into account overall of the character, that whole day's "skill", past 5 maps, etc.
**If you can balance by these two things and make even teams, then stack people with same banner on the same side. But banner balance shouldn't take precedent over these
first two items