In DTV, players sometimes make a mock poll to decide to teamkill V up to four times to skip a map. I think all maps are playable, but sometimes one does not feel like to play a certain one right now.
Some players sometimes do not notice the polls in the chat and wonder why everyone is hitting V all of a sudden, and start banpolls and teamkills. Also, it's not clear if a vote like 8x yes 2x no 3x don't care can decide a for a mapchange when 30 players are online and the rest did not vote.
Therefore, I suggest we add a poll option. But, if the poll would allow players to pick a specific map and vote for it, it would probably lead to arguments between the fraction who want to have best exp and gold and the one who want good fights.
To avoid these difficulties, I suggest to add the option to Poll to Skip the Current Map only.
Regards and good games!