Author Topic: [BAN] Golden_Brown  (Read 1062 times)

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[BAN] Golden_Brown
« on: December 20, 2013, 06:21:59 pm »
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
Eu_cRPG_7, 19:10 GMT
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
I accidentally hit the Viscount because a Nomad is standing next to him.
Golden_Brown has seen it, has followed me and then killed me.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
I think he did that because I accidentally hit the Viscount.
6. Multiple Screenshots
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.

Offline Original_Sin

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Re: [BAN] Golden_Brown
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2013, 06:29:06 pm »
1. Name of characters involved

2. Name of offending character(s)
I was an offending character =/

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
Eu_cRPG_7, 19:10 GMT

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Some dude, GreenShadow_the_Grey (sorry, wasn't making any screenshots) teamhit the visc on purpose. I got angry, killed him and called a "bundle of sticks". I’m sorry I called this guy names. I’m just pissed off with these guys, teamhitting and teamkilling for fun. I was at NA7 same thing happens. Nobody does anything. Kickpoll just makes them angry, they join and do these things again.

I wish donkey team make their visc teamhits turn back on guys like these. Something like you teamhit Valdemar and you get to pay with your hp or maybe only you get less xp and gold, not all the team

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
Me? I was really angry that nobody cares.. As for him? He did it on purpose, maybe for fun I don't know. To get attention maybe. Some other guy saw him doing this and chased him, maybe this Grey dude likes attention. Maybe he's a kid, I don't know. I just know that I'm sorry I called him like that and somebody needs to do something with these guys and xp/gold penalty.

6. Multiple Screenshots
Don't have them, check the logs, please

7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
again, check the logs, please

As I was expecting, he lies that he teamhit the Visc "accidently". Unfortunately I don't have screens, happend too fast. But you get the picture

Also, as I looked through his forum posts, I saw that most of 'em are there 'cause he wanted somebody banned.
look for yourself;area=showposts;u=23322
I think this dude does these things on purpose, 'cause he likes people got banned 'cause of him.. provoker
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 07:05:03 pm by Original_Sin »

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Re: [BAN] Golden_Brown
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2013, 01:22:09 pm »
Looks like it was a misunderstanding. Original Sin gets a warning.