Oh and also a bit of appreciation for you Tydeus to compensate for the ignorant hate present in this thread:
I approve of most of your work and I think you are directly responsible for having actually sped up the game quit a bit already. Faster and easier animations on those that were pretty crappy to use for polearm and 1h, have noticably decreased the inability to bypass people's blocking skill that I have felt with slower weapons from these classes. I appreciate that you dare to touch the core of the game and try to improve upon it in this stage. The stabs have been overbuffed and they piss me the hell of so I hope you can tweak them soon, but when that is done I think you actually managed to improve the game.
Yeah for 1h and polearms, since they were the only melee weapons to get buffed, afaik.
I think 2h stab is the easiest to counter right now since the stun is long, you can force a stunned stab more easily since they can't turn as well, and there's less risk to getting hit by an extremely late stab as long as you're not running at high speed into it.
Yup, agreed. Played with 1h on eu_3 and never rly had any problem with the stab stun on it. I had to gain a loom point recently, so i also played a lot with my polearm alt, and the problem stab stun was not as big a problem either.