Racist person prefers dogs to humans, that's so cliché Panos.
This passage is from one of my favorite books of all times - "And Quiet Flows The Don". A WW1 senior Cossack is teaching a freshman how to deal with enemies:
“Человека руби смело. Мягкий он, человек, как тесто, — поучал Чубатый, смеясь глазами. — Ты не думай, как и что. Ты — казак, твое дело — рубить, не спрашивая. В бою убить врага — святое дело. За каждого убитого скащивает тебе бог один грех, тоже как и за змею. Животную без потребы нельзя губить, — телка, скажем, или ишо что, — а человека унистожай. Поганый он, человек.. . Нечисть, смердит на земле, живет вроде гриба-поганки”"Cut a man down boldly! Man is as soft as dough." A smile came into his eyes. "Don't think about the why and wherefore. You're a Cossack, and it's your business to cut down without asking questions. To kill your enemy in battle is a holy work. For every man you kill - God will wipe out one of your sins, just as he does for killing a serpent. You mustn't kill an animal unless it's necessary, but destroy man! Human's a heathen, unclean; he poisons the earth, he lives like a toadstool!"
It's not as awesome in Englsih, as it is in Russian though... But yeah, i kind of like dogs more than humans too

Does not make me want to kill anyone, but i see nothing wrong in preferring a company of an animal to a company of a human.