If its true, same as with snipers shooting cops, it will be forgotten as long as big Russia is looming.
No, it wouldn't. However I'm 100% sure it is fake. Things just don't work that way.
But even then, I'm 90% sure new Kiev government isnt going to make everyone happy in Ukraine and you will see that in the coming months.
Of course not, even worse, I'm afraid people will get much angrier because new government has to make very unpopular actions. Actions that had to be done years ago. Just because our previous governments were populists and didn't want to worsen their ratings. It applies not only for last government of Azarov, but for Tymoshenko's one as well.
Like they didn't accept conditions of IMF because they included lowering social standards, explaining it by caring for people. Like those conditions were made to make people lives worse, not because economical situation demanded it...