You know DonNicko - every time there is some BS in russian media, that you believe, or some info about russias BS that you dont like, you go full retard "PROVE, that the putlers media is wrong" or "PROVE that your media is right", "because you have no information/brainwashed/idiot/blablabla/everyone is bought/<some random reason>".
Then when you get to eat your shit, because you actually WAS wrong you take the tiniest bite possible, that you can't refuse, "and everything else is still shit, but yours, not mine, continue prooving". Like "so I had this gun, I bought it they day before, I was in the alley with the victim which was shot in the back, but it was not me that shot it, because there is no proof".
And this repeats time and time again. Starting with the BS, that "it was not russian soldiers in crimea", which was then prooven? by putler by actually admitting it, moving on to soldiers on vacations with russian tanks, BUK appearing from nowhere,"there is no russians soldiers fighting in eastern ukraine" bullshit numerous times, even though all the columns, "lost" paratroopers, traced and identified BUK's show completely different picture and so on, and so on. Then when your arguing that russia is not fighting in easter Ukraine becomes a simple lauthing stock (not funny after first 50 times) - you go full retard and back to Odessa tragedy, because... why? I think MH17 was a bigger tragedy and to EVERYONE except morons like you its obvious, that it was russian supplied BUK's and (IMO) likely russian soldiers miscalculating. And you still go full retard back to Odessa.
Oh, and "russia is allowed to protect its interests" or some such shit came up few times too IIRC... and "so we have troops there, so what?" also... To these - I simply have nothing to answer. Although admittedly - this is MUCH more, than most "brave" ruskies care to admit.