It's because you look in the past. When energy was cheap and the West had a good technology advance.
All the advanced countries, except Germany, are in decline and under tons of debts. Russia and China increase their military power while NATO countries cut into their expenses (and it's a part of the US action in Ukraine).
In theory, any country can reach an high level of education (look at Cuba, China, India), It's just a question of time. But it's more difficult to access natural ressources, except by an imperial policy.
Without the dollar and military supremacy that it provide, the West will suffer a big depression and will loose its hegemony over the world. It's a slow processus but it has begun.
You want some exemple of countries rising with oil ? Qatar.
But too many countries have lost the control of their mineral wealth. That's why it's necessary to fight colonialism and imperialism for them. Lybia and Iraq were pretty prosperous before being destroyed by the "army of Freedom".
You think like a 19th century westerner : " look the way live those savages, isn't a proof we are the superior race ?"