Wat? Dude that is pretty retarded. What Russia is doing in the Baltics is technically rape. I dont see us trying to destabilize Russia. All we ask is that they respect our territorial sovereignty. Which isnt the case. When it comes to the Russian goverment, they treat us like inferiors and if u think im overexagerating I assure u, I am not. Like blunt barbarians that they are, they dont try to even hide that fact. If we let the russian speaking minorities rise out of control and we wouldnt be in the NATO we would basically be the next Crimea. They call our goverments fascist and our people dogs basically on a daily basis. And they make up shitton of official reports of how hard it is for russian minorities to live here since we are super fascists and have no regard for human rights. Like official reports with 0 facts in them. All based on nothing. Since by every other report on the planet we are not facist and we have an extremely high regard for human rights. Significantly higher then Russias.
The smallest/weakest pro-NATO states on the border of Russia feel threatened, and are pushed to side with anything that looks like it will give them an edge against them, which feeds the hate machine from both side. An argument need two side to exist, whatever is the power balance/political agenda.
groundless accusations of destabilization and diplomatic insults
from extremists, what has Russia done for the last 20 years? Answer, nothing. OK, you fear its the beginning, but thats not really an argument.
Seriuslly Butan. Tell me. How the fuck do you negotiate with these people? Cause our politicans are stumped. They look for agression and I personally think they consider us as some temporary countries that will quite soon cease to exsist.
Your answer is in your post and in ptx post : make laws for and not against the russian part of the population, and seek more military/commercial agreement than just NATO and Europe... But I think its already far too late for that and you gave them the stick to hit you, now its just a matter of whether they want to pick the stick up, since Ukraine situation gave precedents to using the russian population as a tool for expansion.