I don't even...
You just sounded like one other (well, maybe a FEW other) morons in this thread, who are telling "russia is not agressive, it only defends" and then go about "you have to hit neighbors in the face from time to time to keep good relationships". The fuck is wrong with your head?
Then there is the line "I wonder why everyone else goes about blaming Syria, Iran, North Korea, Russia". WELL, lets see:
1. Syria - because there is a fucking dictator in power. It's enough for me. Although - judging from current world involvement - one bunch of morons is slaugtering another bunch there, and only normal ones suffer. So really - why should anyone care about normal people suffering. Especially if they are in imaginary influence zone of russia?
2. Iran - last I heard - there are negotiations. Ant the reason is basically the same, why russia agreed to guarantee independence, sovereignty and borders of Ukraine: nuclear non-proliferation. IF russia did not have its share of those - noone would care about your shithole. Well... maybe a bit. Because you have gas and oil. Otherwise - shithole.
3. North Korea - when even their allies China say, that blowing up underground nukes is bad - one has to ask - is it really good? But I guess you don't have to ask, your "media" already answered that for you.
4. russia... besides other points - your oppinion along the lines "don't you understand that you can be blown away anytime" is a perfect illustration why russia is to blame regarding the creation of HUGE instability. Thats besides acting like a spoiled brat with delusions of grandeur.
issue is that these are smaller countries and lumping them in with Russia is what's wrong. Russia is a real threat, from an American standpoint. North Korea is not. Iran is currently not. Syria is not.
Let's use a playground analogy.
There are many kids in a playground. Some are larger than others. A few kids are not only large, but they're packing pistols in their lunchboxes. Most kids fight, beat each other up, and that's that. For a long time, two- Lucas and Roman, faced off against each other. Lucas would pay smaller kids to beat up other small kids who got free toys from Roman, and vice versa. One day, Roman got tired and sort of got put in detention.
Lucas declared he won, and acted as if he was king of the playground. He's so used to it that by the time he's in high school, he's lumped Roman in with the other kids. Roman knows he's better, though, he remembers a time when he was just as much of a force to be reckoned with as Lucas is. And now, Lucas is pushing Roman around just like Roman is one of the many small kids.
Lucas has picked several fights with small kids, smashing their heads in and no one has really questioned or challenged him.
Roman remembers the old days, and figures it's time to pick a fight with Lucas. He threatens some of the other small kids to rejoin his cause. Lucas laughs at him and keeps egging him on, so Roman threatens more of his old crew. Lucas is still making fun of him.
Until he starts to realize that Roman also has a pistol. He's not like the other kids Lucas has been beating up on. Roman is his size. AND HE'S GOT A PISTOL, JUST LIKE LUCAS.
Whether Lucas or Roman is a nicer friend is beyond the point.