You're being a shitlord right now
crossed the line between "not everyone is na
zi" and "only some isolated ones are and then its probably just to piss guys off"...
There is a real cultural/historical problem with fascism in Ukraine and your statement is not taking into account anything that is known to Ukrainians. We have been through the "everyone is na
zi" thats right, but I dont accept your attempt at completely underplaying the problem either.
When military groups are formed/paid/supplied and their hierarchy knows they are uber violent POS fanatics, its officially a problem, not just a few guys who went through the recruitment process in the army despite being assholes.
Ukraine government is just being deadly pragmatic, as with Maidan, and use
everyone that is wishing to fight for them whatever their credo. Now I can respect pragmatism, but they are basically creating opportunities for them to gain prestige and power in the new government, and in the meantime there is daily accusations rape/murders on them. It greatly diminishes their supposed "moral superiority", if there ever was one. There is also a different kind of facists on the pro-rus side, and there is also accusations of rape/murders on the rebels, but afaik there isnt a whole pro-rus bataillon of hundreds of fighters that are specialized in that kind of shit, Ukraine unfortunately yes, and they are always sent in the hottest theatre of operation where they can roam free and have fun.
They give the stick to Russia to hit them with their propaganda as long as they furnish and accept those guys in their army.
Meanwhile in Ukraine, radical party and right sector gain proeminence thanks to the above.
Overall sticky situation, I hope Poroshenko will use the cleaning up of the Verkhovna Rada as an opportunity to seal off any possibilities that political extremists gain seats in any branches of the country, if its not already too late.