Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis
Former U.S. Intelligence Officer Says U.S. Orchestrated Coup In Ukraine
Stratfor Founder Admits Ukraine Is U.S. Regime Change Puppet (I'm posting a FOX NEWS clip, cringe! Although an interview with the Statfor founder,
Proof Ukraine Crisis Was Manufactured By U.S. Government - GMN Wake-Up Call
U.S. Asst Sec of State Victoria Nuland Openly Discussing Ukraine Subversion & Overthrow
Admittedly you'd need a little bit of patience to watch these videos through, and I don't really expect those of you holding opposing views to do so, but you asked me to back shit up and I've provided these videos two of which have ex intelligence officials giving their own perspective on the Western agenda in Ukrainne, and two videos sources from an alternate media outlet which provides video evidence of American governmental officials openly speaking of meddling in Ukrainian politics. These videos are telling and I believe the first two are particularly important as these people have been in the Western intelligence circles and have been privy to information the likes of you and me would be completely in the dark about.
Of course as I mentioned many pages ago, all the evidence you need when trying to understand Western complicity in Ukraine is the fact that after the coup suddenly offers of IMF loans are being pulled out of the IMF's arse and given to Ukraine, loans the IMF were not prepared to give Ukraine while the elected and legitimate Yanukovych government was in power. I believe the IMF's willingness to give Ukraine loans after the Wests puppet has been installed is tantamount to bribery and financial subversion, that money won't see the poor masses in Ukraine, it will stay in the pockets of Oligarchs like Poroshenko.
Nuland at the end of the last video states that Ukraine will have the future it deserves, it won't be pretty trust me.