He is the only one that never never lost a battle dispite the fact that he was typically outnumbered 3 to 1. He also lost very few men compared to the number of casulities he inflicted on his enemies, Alexander is the gold standard of all time. When you think or talk about military commanders or conquerors he is the first to come in mind.
Sure, Napoleon was a big general aswell, but he used alexanders tactics to win
I'm sorry but as always you're overrating a person (who has always been overrated) just because he's Greek.
I guess you perfectly know that Alexander didn't create and mold "his" empire by nothing; there was a certain man, his father actually, named Philip II from whom he inherited a country with solid bases. What about the enemies he defeated? Persia? lol that was an empire in total decline, with shitty leaders and worse armies, of which the only quality was the wealth (gold from which Alexander satisfied his soldiers, that later on would have abandoned him). He was a retard, who went full retard when he met the eastern cultures.
Now talking about a god among men aka Napoleon; i guess you also know that thanks to his military skills he managed to gain leadership on a country that just a couple of decades earlier faced a revolution, making it a first world power, and defeated in many battles certain enemies like England ("strongest" country in those time) Netherlands Russia Austria and Prussia (nothing to do with a dead persian empire).
I'd like to add that Alexander, who died without being defeated once, died as a winner, so of course he would have been praised like a god by his people (while he clearly wasn't that good), while Napoleon died as a loser, and still we all know how amazing this man had been.
P.S. Napoleon ofc went full retard too.