1)yesterday's morning: I chat with Rogue about upcomming xp battles(We should've attack Asugan & Tulga yesterday). He tells me that COA wants to wipe all troops after Narra battle. He offers us troops in Tulga & Asugan. Since I'm a greedy bastard, I ask for all COA resources to drawn EU in XP battles. He accepts my offer, & I begin to search DRZ players to take ownership, but not telling them the reason. Just: "go to Narra & wait for the end of the battle".
2)yesterday's evening before the battle: almost all DRZ guys are on their positions. I apply for COA defence of Narra(since technically they are not our enemies anymore, & victory or defeat of Grey's army will only determine which UIF faction will have Narra & 30k troops. Also defending is more fun ;) ) First DRZ butthurt wave beggins. I start getting insults from uif guys.
3)yesterday's evening after the battle: Druzhina guy is the new lord of Narra. Same for Tulbuk(10k troops), Tulga(42k) & Ichamur(13k). Second DRZ butthurt wave beggins. Some players want to quit to not play with such scums like me. Transfer of Velua(30k) & Jameyyed(10k) fails.
4)Now: everybody in DRZ hight ranks(exept Vovka, praise the Lord his dota soul) thinks that: I'm a traitor, that COA left because of our XP battles(my fault), that I betrayed Hetman, Harpag & other UIF guys, I made the quit of COA look good & now UIF cannot claim proper victory.
So, in conclusion: I was doing all this stuff on my own(& I thought it would be in the best interest of everybody to save 200k troops from disappearance & to use it for
funxp battles). I will ask everybody who got their Lordship to give this fiefs back(so COA will be able to destroy their troops, equip & gold). All my fiefs should be seized by members of Druzhina without resistance on my side. I will resign from DRZ(both faction & clan)
& will join Mercs GL, HF!
btw, Volvo created new game mod for DotaAlmost forgot the most important part:
Rest in Peace, Lord Druzhina_Segd, best Strat crossbowman, the greatest hero of EU(most renown), Owner of Ahmerrad, Bariyye, Nelag Castle, Tulbuk Castle, Sharwa Castle, Samarra Castle, Dugan, Dirigh Aban, Bulugur, Tulbuk, Tamnuh, Habba, Fishara, Iqbayl, Mijayet, Tazjunat and Aab