Author Topic: Too many horse archers`  (Read 8744 times)

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #90 on: November 25, 2013, 02:10:47 pm »
I hope the thing you're claiming they're abusing is bannerbalance, cause besides bannerbalance (and hardcore loomstacking) byzstacktium hardly does anything seriously abusive... And everyone in a clan with over 5 players on a server at once are abusing bannerbalance, bannerbalance is the single most broken and overpowered feature in cRPG and can only be countered by bannerbalance, please nerf bannerbalance.

He explained it very well, game is full of holes and glitchy mechanics. Best players end up in big, successful clans. Best players are the ones who know most abuse tactics. This game isn't as deep as many people think. Besides chamber blocking which is a challenge to be done consistently, other stuff is fairly easy to master. After that come the glitches, ways to get multiple hits by turning in attack (using reverse attack controls helps immensely). Or famous face hug stabs, floating long thrusts aka lolstabs (something every capable twohander abuse all the time). Those are not meant to be in the game, those techniques weren't intentionally added by game programmers. Those are bugs in game/physics engine which ton of players exploit every day, me included.

Because of above, I'm hoping that chadz will be successful in lobbying for 8 or more attack/block directions for M:BG. To give players something new to master instead of abusing game glitches all the time...

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #91 on: November 25, 2013, 02:20:02 pm »
I hope the thing you're claiming they're abusing is bannerbalance, cause besides bannerbalance (and hardcore loomstacking) byzstacktium hardly does anything seriously abusive

I'm pretty sure he's refering to more serious "abuses" such as hiltslashing and spamming, you know the things that any player that left the trench tier can play against

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #92 on: November 25, 2013, 02:24:03 pm »
Too many QQ, please nerf  :rolleyes:
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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #93 on: November 25, 2013, 02:24:58 pm »
He explained it very well, game is full of holes and glitchy mechanics. Best players end up in big, successful clans. Best players are the ones who know most abuse tactics. This game isn't as deep as many people think. Besides chamber blocking which is a challenge to be done consistently, other stuff is fairly easy to master. After that come the glitches, ways to get multiple hits by turning in attack (using reverse attack controls helps immensely). Or famous face hug stabs, floating long thrusts aka lolstabs (something every capable twohander abuse all the time). Those are not meant to be in the game, those techniques weren't intentionally added by game programmers. Those are bugs in game/physics engine which ton of players exploit every day, me included.
Sure they weren't all intended, but truth be told just blocking, attacking, holding, and kicking is boring as fuck, and Panos cannot possibly claim he "abuses" less than your average byz member if such things are considered abuse, especially seeing as this game has existed for a shitload of years now, and most things that are "abusive" have been nerfed to compensate for the abusiveness, and things that weren't the least bit abusive have been buffed, it's not like balancers don't take the pikes ability to wacky ass shit into account when they give it the horrible speed and damage it has now, so the "abuse" is a recognized game feature by the devs, same way the best stabby 1hs have gotten their stabs nerfed now that Tydeus buffed their stabs (an animation reach change would've still been way better than a damage nerf, watching Panos play you can see he does as much questionable shit as a 2h player or a piker, and he'd see that the game is fairly balanced and most abuse (some things that aren't wellknown admittedly aren't) is taken into account in balance if he didn't only play other classes than pole determined to shittalk them and call them easymode before he even picks them up

Bannerbalance is the only feature in the game atm that I find seriously brokenly overpowered, and it's only a real issue if you care whether your team losses or wins, or if there aren't two clans stacking the server at once (siege with HRE (haven't seen them in ages though) vs GO is somewhat balanced, so is battle with mercs/nords/gk vs byz)...
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #94 on: November 25, 2013, 04:45:17 pm »
no offence but when the enemy team has 5 HA 2 HX a Horse thrower and a bunch of other ranged there is little L2Play about it. our team spent the entire round hiding for 4 rounds in a row because moving was met with a hail of arrows and yes i was a hoplite supposed to be counter to both :D This was this morning and i RQ because even after hiding for so long we always lost. when we didn't hide we lost even quicker, I chamber kicked a guy to the floor and before i could even begin my attack i was hit by three arrows :(

you rarely see so much QQ about anything else in crpg :D

Sounds like a team balance problem to me, not a problem with any certain class.  Also spawn MotF earlier in the rounds. 
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 04:48:32 pm by CrazyCracka420 »
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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #95 on: November 25, 2013, 04:56:58 pm »
Sure they weren't all intended, but truth be told just blocking, attacking, holding, and kicking is boring as fuck, and Panos cannot possibly claim he "abuses" less than your average byz member if such things are considered abuse, especially seeing as this game has existed for a shitload of years now, and most things that are "abusive" have been nerfed to compensate for the abusiveness, and things that weren't the least bit abusive have been buffed, it's not like balancers don't take the pikes ability to wacky ass shit into account when they give it the horrible speed and damage it has now, so the "abuse" is a recognized game feature by the devs, same way the best stabby 1hs have gotten their stabs nerfed now that Tydeus buffed their stabs (an animation reach change would've still been way better than a damage nerf, watching Panos play you can see he does as much questionable shit as a 2h player or a piker, and he'd see that the game is fairly balanced and most abuse (some things that aren't wellknown admittedly aren't) is taken into account in balance if he didn't only play other classes than pole determined to shittalk them and call them easymode before he even picks them up

Bannerbalance is the only feature in the game atm that I find seriously brokenly overpowered, and it's only a real issue if you care whether your team losses or wins, or if there aren't two clans stacking the server at once (siege with HRE (haven't seen them in ages though) vs GO is somewhat balanced, so is battle with mercs/nords/gk vs byz)...

This is not about Panos or me crying abooze, abooze... dunno for Panos but I abuse game mechanics all time because it's necessary to kill anyone these days. This is about Teeth and Corsair crying about horse archer abooze, while they are doing the same. If you're abuser, just like 90% of this community stfu and deal with it. I've dealt with HA by playing siege, DTV and strategus battles/sieges. Have zero sympathy for Byzstackers on EU1.

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #96 on: November 25, 2013, 05:02:59 pm »
I've read this several times now.
Yes, yes, especially with a STF lvl 30 build on 18/21 with a yumi, the accuracy increase of 3 Horse Archery and 170 wpf is immense. I can easily hit the pin of a matchstick over half the map. The accuracy is that good!
That's bold coming from the worst left swing spammer on EU1, next to Byz_Spamoramix. Circling a guy with 9ath and spamming the left swig is something you call out-thinking and -playing an opponent? :lol:

i rarely Ever spam. like, once every 10 maps do i spam.

most people barely know how to block, i get most of my kills with backstabs and feints, because most people have a- very bad awareness and b- can barely block

No one is attacking you Bycuntium guys, you do a hell of a job yourselves, also - EU players, renown for their outstanding intelligence, tactical awareness and competence for teamwork, if your current career fails you can always try your luck as a stand-up comedian, you seem to have a knack for it.  :P

yes, you are attacking us lol. on another note, has it ever occurred to you two things, one; i'm an asshole, i know it, everyone knows it, i have a very abrasive personality, but hell, some people like it, and secondly, that i'm very often right -

do you notice at all my dear chum that all of the things i complain about, whenever i create a thread for them on the forum they wind up getting 50-100 up votes? does that not say that i'm just vocalising the problems very evident in crpg?

As for abusing polearm stab, i've been using spears since i began playing in native in 2010, i actually detest (as my clanmates will confirm by my frequent raging rants) the instantaneous stabs in crpg, in all form, especially with the 2d polearms, i have made many threads to this effect.

coming from a guy who switched into 2hand class as soon as it got buffed  :lol:

All my years at this mod, I only played polearms, I started with a bec de corbin, but as soon as I found a way to abuse it, I dropped it .

I maybe a troll and a whiner, but at least I have the balls to play the least favourable class of the mod, and still kick ass.

try playing the class i play panos, just try it, 30 body armour, 5 power strike, split wpf's, just go, try it, see how well you do (i cant actually believe some people whine about my class being OP, it's worthless (but fun :D))

« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 05:26:00 pm by Corsair831 »
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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #97 on: November 25, 2013, 05:14:38 pm »
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Riddaren, your an idiot. You idea of teamplay is to use teammates as bait so you can couch unaware enemy. I've heard you actually get ANGRY on teamspeak because (when you were a templol) we werent just baiting enemies to open ground so you could couch them. Then, even after 3 years of this, you cannot make 2 blocks on foot.

Your like Blackbow and Oberyn: REALLY good at killing people who arent looking.

But for your sake I will answer your retarded post.

SO: team 1 does what you want, we sit in spawn. Spawns dont tend to have TOO much cover, cause they are usually an open area so everyone can spawn. But we sit there. First round it happens, the first horse archer gets close, gets shot to pieces, his mates turn around and camp out of ranged. Meanwhile, our team is sat in open. Enemy infantry starts to gather at strongpoints, looking for us. enemy ranged has us pegged, starts to decimate. We sit in spawn, firing at occasional heads that apear behind walls and buildings, while enemy team continues to rape us with ranged. We are now decimated or more. We are fully exposed to their ranged. everytime an archer stops doing spastic dance, he gets 1hit by an arbalest. Now we have no ranged, few 2h, mainly shielders left. enemy cav and infantry close, mop us up. GOOD THINKING RIDDAREN.

I know your own opinion of yourself is high Riddaren, but your not a/ good at crpg or b/ especially smart.

Back to the drawing board.

AND BTW, before someone says "But we bring siege shields" THINK: enemy ranged spreads, nullifying cover as anything but a placebo, less players have shields themselves cause of slot problems. So it doesnt work, we build more. eventually we have a castle to defend. But guess what, THATS CALLED SIEGE MODE.

TL:DR  IN HISTORY horsearchers won. They won everything in open field. They were defeated by castles. Castles beat horse archers. Siege mode is usually higher pop than EU1 because of this. Its proven, it works, horses cant climb ladders or walls. Many have tried to train them, but you cannot make a horse climb a rope.

AS TO EU1 and horse archers: Give nasty cunts a free respec at lvl 33+ and your surprised they chose horsearchers? REALLY? I dont HATE anyone, but most of this community are hippocritical little cuntmy old friends who hate to have truth given to them. Well, when you give a dickhead free rein, dont be surprised if he fucks your mom.

i rarely Ever spam. like, once every 10 maps do i spam.

most people barely know how to block, i get most of my kills with backstabs and feints, because most people have a- very bad awareness and b- can barely block

No, most people you kill can block, they know what attack you are doing, but they physically cannot block it. Your experience is all from your perspective, remember that. Just stop whineing about horse archers. Its gay, its broken, but its what we have and its not gonna change today or tomorrow.
I don't know enough

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #98 on: November 25, 2013, 05:24:37 pm »
Throwing works well against horse archery. Problem is that throwing is costly. If you ask me, we still have a ton of HP/armor. Changing throwing to be easy pick by everyone just like xbow is currently could help to deal with HA, HX, HT, archers, xbow and everything else. But it would be total mayhem and only lucky ones who didn't pick a projectile with their face would come on top :lol:

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #99 on: November 25, 2013, 05:30:35 pm »
No, most people you kill can block, they know what attack you are doing, but they physically cannot block it. Your experience is all from your perspective, remember that. Just stop whineing about horse archers. Its gay, its broken, but its what we have and its not gonna change today or tomorrow.

so why, when i'm duelling teeth/chase/gravoth/kenda do they block almost every one of my attacks successfully, whilst when i go on eu1, the people here who are complaining can barely block it?
because of what i said.
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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #100 on: November 25, 2013, 05:32:47 pm »
Sorry for doubleposting .

I was the first one that complained about the amount of horsearchery, and I still complain, the class itself is not OP, but the numbers on the field make it op.
As I told you already, this community is full of god damn hipsters who will follow a trend in one second, when nudge got implemented, everyone quickly respeced into 1handers , want some examples?? Strudog and Mauwits, and the second one mastered the nudge/kick abuse.

 Another example is the rondel bundle of sticksry, one my old friend found out that rondel speed bonus damage is OP and cant 2 hit anything, almost everyone has a rondel dagger alt, look at Barabes for example.

1H stab got buffed, everyone was 1hander , AGAIN.

And now same applies with HA.

What I find funny and irritating at the same time, is that actually Byzantium members think that HA class make the players RQ, let me tell you something.
Your clan , when it comes to bundle of sticksry and abusing, is number one, I havent seen such a massive abuse of a broken mechanic EVER in a game, and yes I talk about the 2D Polearm abuse, 90% of your clan members, ab-use  an  aswhood/awlpike/warspear/lspear, your clan is such a joke, that even your latest recruit, Qoray who used to be a skilless macro feint 2h hero, NOW IS A GODDAMN 2D polearmer  :lol:

Teeth, in all honesty, when it comes to complaining about an abusive class, you byzantiums, need to shut the fuck up, it`s like being a junkie, and make fun of other junkies.

I hope you dig me  :wink:

That's a bit of an exaggeration, however everything we "Abuse" is melee, and does not require any specific counter, what counters anything we use is good players. However horse archery is just a completely different class from any other. The strength in number combined with the amazing survivability against any melee ( which forces the enemy team to completely rely on ranged to stop them which creates more ranged and who the fuck wants that ) makes the class extremely abusive and completely different from any other.

Both Mercs and Byz have capable players, I bet if we'd all respec to something that is considered bad in the game and learn to use it well enough, people would QQ about us "abusing" that aswell. Now indeed 2D polarms are currently considered OP, but in all reality, the difference between these melee classes and horse archery is incredibly obvious.
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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #101 on: November 25, 2013, 05:43:26 pm »
This is not about Panos or me crying abooze, abooze... dunno for Panos but I abuse game mechanics all time because it's necessary to kill anyone these days. This is about Teeth and Corsair crying about horse archer abooze, while they are doing the same. If you're abuser, just like 90% of this community stfu and deal with it. I've dealt with HA by playing siege, DTV and strategus battles/sieges. Have zero sympathy for Byzstackers on EU1.
I've played dedicated horsethrower for 5 gens or so+lvl33, played it more than I've played anything else, the only counter to horseranged is other ranged, this isn't all that big of a deal in the actual battle due to horseranged generally sacrificing a lot to be able to horseranged about (wouldn't mind if all horseranged got a slight damage nerf), but once there are only horseranged left it's more than fucking "abuse", it is extremely annoying for anyone else on the server, and it makes gameplay extremely onesided, flags appearing instantly when one team only has cav/people with above 8 ath would be great (which admittedly wouldn't nerf my class at all seeing as I only got 4 ammo and dismount anyhow).
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #102 on: November 25, 2013, 05:46:12 pm »
Dueling is not EU1 my friend.

When you are fighting a guy with a gla and pikeman, and a little 1hander comes up behind you, WHO do you block? you try and block the GLA, because its the one that hurts the most. And once most players are being ganked by you, they cannot escape cause you got like 9 ath.

I think the problem is a language barrier. When I say "most people can block" I guess you are thinking that I include bundle of stickss as people. bundle of stickss who stand at the back and shoot are not people, they are bundle of stickss and are freekills most of the time.

Im talking about people who fight.

Also, if you REALLY bothered by HA, roll an 18/18 thrower, MW throwing spears and a nice shield. Once you kill his pony in 1 or 2 throws, its just an archer with low athletics.

As to Byz abuse: Sure they abuse broken mechanics, but I consider almost all of this community whiney cuntmy old friends who try to find something broken to gain an advantage.

TBH: My standards of playing were only truly met by Andy P, aka Andy Pebbles, Pebble Pusher. He used stones because he likes it even tho it was obviously fucking retarded.

Currently my fav character is a 6 str thrower... nothing broken about it I can find, except that everyone I fight who isnt ranged cannot fight back at all. Seems legit. Unfortunatly I cannot hurt them either, but you cannot have everything. Last night I headshot blackbow then Logen in 3 seconds, bam bam. But usually I hurt noone, noone can catch me, and at round end I charge to my death against a massive mob.

But Kenda you will always be a scrub, you put leet in your forum profile you pretentious molly!
I don't know enough

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #103 on: November 25, 2013, 06:16:41 pm »
I only agree if we change mod name to...

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Re: Too many horse archers`
« Reply #104 on: November 25, 2013, 06:26:10 pm »
But Kenda you will always be a scrub, you put leet in your forum profile you pretentious molly!

Made the mistake of thinking my username and forum name would be seperate, I regret this incident every day...
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