What has Fin spending time on voice files got to do with Tydeus and chadz? They just added it to the patch
They can spend time on what they want..its not like you have any real say in that. They either work on stuff or they don't, and they work on what they want when they want. cRPG is just a mod
Multi system is good anyway. Don't speak for everyone. The game is pretty badly balanced in some ways but again i'm happy as long as someone is having a go at improving it
Actually i was foolish enough to spend money on this and donate. If this was just a mod, a knockoff off another product, you would be right. But im now a paying customer, they make money off this, the servers are kept alive through contributions made from players who saw the potential of this mod. Players like myself, who donated, arnt just friendly donators, they are paying customers, This mod has a TON of potential, and i made the risk of helping to fund it, to help it reach its potential.
So, as a paying customer, i will speak my mind freely about this mod, and give it w.e. criticism. If this was just some hopeless mod i absolutely hated every moment of playing...i wouldnt be here posting...the fact is i played and contributed to a project i feel is going rapidly downhill.
And your gonna fucking hear about it every inch further it goes down. From DTV losing its freeroam, to unnecessary buffs and nerfs, xp system everyone knows and agrees is broken.
Ive bought a right to my opinion. And your going to hear it, every and anytime i feel to the need to say what i feel should be said.