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5*Kalmar Union:visitors can't see pics , please
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Kalmar log from the war of wars - Reindi Castle:visitors can't see pics , please
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"Lets go to war (21 of oktober)" - 11 replies
Brothers and friends,
Would you like to march of into bloody war? Its time we test our strength in battle, its time we march onwards to bleed a foe, should we succeed it will be rewarding, should we fail we might have our arses handed to us.
Conquistadores has seized Reindi Castle and Yalibe village, they havent yet reinforced it very much and with a bit of luck and some guts we should be able to take it from them.
Dont be scared of their great numbers, without proper organisation and active members they cant use them fast enough to pose a threat to us anytime soon.
Im not saying things cant go wrong, not saying we will have an easy win, but we have waited long enough, its time we expand our territory.
Fifi has scouted the two places, we know who is in there and thats an edge for us, we also have the element of surprise on our hands, it will benefit us at least the first 72 hours perhaps more depending on how fast they can react.
Allram has advanced into the forest next to Reindi and is hiding, fifi is going there aswell. Kasala and Mr K should go there aswell as soon as u see this.
Try to be in ts as much as u can the next days and if u havent joined the steamgruop yet, make sure you post you steamnic here now so I can add you.
Take care lads lets bring some destruction to our enemies
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"Morning of the 22 oct...." - 87 replies
Good morning brothers,
Our nine glorious armies stands ready inside the dark and moist forest of Reindi, morning fog is starting to break as the commanders works hard to get their troops in order. The purple flag of Reindi Castle can be seen dancing in the wind from afar and the commanders are waiting for some signs of movements from the enemy.
Today, we most probably will see the enemy from up close. If not today then tomorrow at the latest. The decoy has attacked Yalibe and so far all seem well. All able, should assist Panos in this fight - check battle list and apply.
For those generals on the left side of the forest, move to Aderyns position - there you will be able to move faster out of the forest if needed. However, Fifi I want you to move to the south tip of the forest, try getting as close as possible to Almerra castle without leaving the forest and stay hidden. If they have armies there ready to siege Almerra Castle we want to know when they come running for Reindi castle.
Those active during the day, check the map and report anything of interesst to the clan by "reply to all" here. Screenshots will come in handy perhaps.
Be careful out there lads
-sending you all virtual cookies
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"24 of october - Bloody battles day" - 91 replies
today is the day guys, we could loose alot or gain alot today - either way you guys have made a great work these last couple of days - remember it - no matter the outcome of todays battles.
This will be a test for all of you to stick together as a clan, I wont be there since Im working and Aderyn is occupied. This is your chance guys - take it.
I have asked Odysseus to lead the battle if needed, he accepted so you arent left alone. But, he wont be able to set flags, and you need to step up and take responsability, follow orders and tell others to do so aswell, make sure they follow. Do the siege building stuff, cause noone thinks its more important than you.
1.Fifi will be the flagsetter for our clan. Ody cant since he is not in our clan.
2.Tore - god of thunder knows his way around a catapult - for Reindi castle
3.Siege building, from the start I suggest:
- Fifi to set two siegeshields as cover for weaponrack builders
- Kasala two stakes
- Arn, c-site and one material (build weaponrack)
- Allram 4 con.material
- Mr K two siegeshields for cover
- Adre one construction site and one material (build weaponrack)
When this is done I suggest
- Arn and Allram build the forward spawn
- While the rest of you put more stakes up, siegeshields and spawn medium ladders and put them on the ground, when forward spawn is up, use them to make a cover for it.
When forward spawn is finished make another one ready or almost ready
4. Catapult - Tore knows where he wants it
-Tore spawn with con site and one material
-Amilia spawn with 4 material
-Make a weaponrack and build the catapult together
-put some stakes around it to stop incoming cav
-and make sure you have someone to help u guard it
5. You can do this the way I described, or do it anyway you want to - just make sure you know before hand who does what - and talk it over before battle so everyone knows what to do. You have Yalibe to try it out before the big smash in Reindi Castle and those that can should go into EU3 and train some siegebuilding together or alone.
6. Talk to Odysseus also before the battle
7. Rollcall - someone will need to do it - Arn and Allram will help out with the accepting and unaccepting, and start the rollcall in good time if u can. WHO WILL DO IT?
Cheers guys
Message to all:
"Mop it up day - 25 october" - 70 replies
Cant say enough how damn good you did yesterday guys, superb!
1.Arn needs backup where he is, he has an army of 1800 waiting to kick his arse when he is finished wih the other one. We need one guy there, Allram is online and will go there.
2. Kasala, you need to take all gear from Yalibe on to yourself, and sort it - not the most fun thing to do but it has to be done. Right now you are a target if you move since ur gear isnt in order.
-Sell all stacks below 40
-Sell everything with loom below 0 with some exceptions, Aderyn can you help him out?
3. If we dont take Reindi Castle tonight (GTX), we need to attack it again. I want Aderyn to be the one since we may need him to go to Emirin. Confirm that you can be there and attack one minute after the siege.
4. Fifi, when u have sent your stuff to mr K, come to Tshibtin.
5. Adre move away from Ehlerdah and into Reindi Castle for now. Your previous target is still at Arn and will be taken care of by Allram.
Thats it for now lads, im sure this will be a busy day but not like yesterday. Dont fall asleep though, lemikz is still in Reindi castle and perhaps some other guy, one of their armies is in Ehlerdal and more armies might come from the north. Sort your things and be ready....
Lets mop up the rest of this rubble
Take care
Message to all:
27 oktober - needed rest - 151 replies
Friends and brothers,
An army was seen last night, above Dhirim outside Derchios castle. He has no clancolor and his name is Kincore I think. He has done jobs for Lemikz in the past and might be headed for Reindi castle to reinforce it. *Kasala, *Adre, *Butan feel free to take him out if you see him going for reindi castle.
*Allram and *Arn is moving up to Jelbegi Castle to get more armies, which probably will be needed.
*Terkild, could you go over and check the gear inside and:
- count complete armour sets (light,medium,heavy)
- count different weapon types
Dont count looms below level 0, and try to communicate with the guys so you can transfer troops as soon as they get there. Its important that they head back asap.
*Butan, you are moving inot reindi castle and be on the lookout for incoming reinforcements - attack on sight even if you feel outnumbered - we could support you from *Adre or *Amilia.
*Amilia, strike Reindi castle at 6-7 tonight, please confirm that you will. Aderyn has provided you with the gear u need.
*Nord Jarlek, as soon as you get to Tshibtin, put all your gear inside, and I will set up an army for you. Then head to Reindi castle for support and possible siegeattack in a couple of days. Also, stay alert for incoming reinforcements and attack them on sight.
*Aderyn, will make an army for *Fifi in Emirin once you gets there. Fifi put all your stuff and troops inside emirin and Aderyn will set you up.
*Kasala, you could also move to Reindi castle to help stopping incoming reinforcements.
Today is all about regrouping and most importantly stop reinforcements from getting into Reindi at all costs. Persistance and patience guys and we will have this castle. Its looking good on all accounts except that we dont know the amount of troops currently inside Reindi.
Good news
-1800 men incoming to Jelbegi castle from a sponsor, will arrive today
-Lemikz will be attacked by another clan in teh Knudar Area in 1-3 days
-Bagge is in Ushkuru and will probably attack the guy we saw there yesterday if he doesnt move(1300 troops)
-Arn has arranged for a diplomatic talk to Uther Pendragon, we might be able to buy troops from him.
Have a nice sunday guys, get rest or get drunk or get laid - your choice - but stay alert and watch the map from time to time if possible. Tomorrow we must push on again.
For the north! For Kalmar! For Blood!
//GM - sending virtual cookies
Message to all:
30th of oktober - 40 replies
Scandinavian brothers,
People ask me how this new clan of Kalmar are able to do so much in such a short time, one merc guy in Dhirim has askd if we are using phonecalls to be able to organise and coordinating our movements on the map, he sees alot from Dhirim.
We have since the 24th of oktober, managed to:
- engaged the enemy 13 times
- killed 16000 troops
- win 5 out of 8 openfield battles
- get a positive k:d ratio despite siegeing a castle 4 times
- made new armies and now have 9 armies in the field
For those of you that havent been in a clan before, or just a smaller one, this what we have done together Im pretty sure hasnt been done before, not even by larger clans like the coalition or the Greys. The efficiency and the activeness, the dedication and the will of our members is amazing - Kalmar has definately made a name for it self in this campaign - well done guys!
Over to the war:
- Two armies went into Reindi during the night, 1000+1700 so we will need to continue sieging it until they are dead.
- OdE now have 4 armies in teh north putting pressure on Lemikz, which ofc will help us alot, try to sign up for them in their battles
- Pantheons are preparing 5 armies to engage Lemikz, and will probably sell us 2000 troops - all in a couple of days
- Arn has managed to get Stromgarde to fight on our side - they will send armies into the Dhirim area and help stop the reinforcement armies coming south (Arn, is that right?)
- Tores siege is on tonight, afterwards we need Adre, Allram or Jarlek to attack directly - so who will it be? Write an answer so we all know, if you can
Keep it up guys!!
Take care
-sending virtual cookies
PS. Fifi is working miracles with the regiments stuff - good things coming - he will need to make screenshots of you all, both individual and in groups
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"1 st of november - end in sight...." - 77 replies
Friends and brothers of the north,
We have now been at war for 8 days, and what an effort you all have been putting in, Im sure that the Kalmarunion has made a name for it self by now - at least I know Lemikz wint forget about us in the next 37 strats to come.
Like said before, but can be mentioned again, the activity has been amazing and we are perhaps all getting a bit tired of sieging Reindi Castle, but it will pay of soon enough I think and then we will rest a bit listen to songs about our deeds in the field, handing out medals and ranks.
I will be away from saturday untill sunday evening, I trust the clan completely and I have faith in your strength. Arn and Allram has been given the rank of nine, be sure to take the responsability that comes with higher rank, but the rest of you maggots be sure to stand up for those two and help out in anyway you can. Aderyn still has the highest rank in the clan while Im gone and will help you the best he can.
Gtx- ur army is ready, please move to reindi castle and stand in line to siege it.
Aderyn, while im gone I will give you the keys to Thsibtin. Make sure thst we keep making armies and send them into reindi castle.
Todays siege will be a little different, a siegetower for the archers and a catapult shooting a different wall - suggestions from some of you - and lets try it, we are still in training theway I see it so go ahead and suggest things, make sure you will go over strategy before the siege tonight and also decide who will siege afterwards.
Cya tonight guys!
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"4th of November" - 36 replies
Good morning guys,
During the night the Knights who say ni tried to smuggle 2000 men into reindi castle. I saw it and contacted their leader Cum, he claimed he didnt know about it, said that the guy going with the army acted on his own. I told him that if that army didnt turn, it would be needed to be taken down.
He said that it would mean war, but he assured me that the army wouldnt let the troops inside reind, but turn back again. Then Lemikz contacted me and said the same thing ![Smile :)](
I asked Lemikz how much he had payed, and offered the same amount to Ni_knights - as we dont need a war with them........yet perhaps ![Smile :)](
Anyway, I had to go myself and try and intercept this naked 2k army, soon its 2 oclokc here so it will be a shitty battletime - but they are naked and we will damn sure write it in the battletext and hope for them not to get applicants.
I made the decision to try and stop it, 2000 troops would mean another two sieges for us - meaning a loss of another 3600-4000 troops. And tried to avoid a war with the Ni knights by buying those troops instead of lemikz.
I gave Yalibe to Allram, so start making an army tomorrow so that we can siege again at night.
TAke care guys
GRANNY - fairly tired now Message to all:
"Remember, remember the 5th of November" - 59 replies
Good morning lads,
Of to a bright new day after once again a late night trying to keep people out of Reindi Castle. Last night the Regnum Novaes payed a visit with two armies, however after som civil (gloves off)diplomatic talks and a bit of muscle shown by Amialia the Regnums completely lost interesst and turned away from Reindi. It wouldnt surprise me much if the Regnums will actually join us instead of Lemikz after last nights little "talk".
Mercs attacked Emirin last night with 300 or so men, I had some diplomatic talks with Teutensuppe (one of their leaders) and he claims this is not a sanktioned move and should not be considered a declaration of war. We will take it back once we finish Reindi castle. If the mercs go out in numbers Hetman will come like a freighttrain to take them out, he wants nothing more.
The 2100 men that got intercepted werre slaughtered during the night - to much joy for the Muricans that took part in the battle!! Again - diplomatic talks kept us from a war against the Knights Who say NI.
UTHER - is spotted on the Horizon!!! We might actually get some rest after all - but not yet, not yet - Lemikz is down, we just need to finish him of. SO stay on guard, be ready and do whats needed to make the armies we need for protection.
Today might be the siege we take Reindi - who knows - Lemikz rosters are getting worse every siege I think - and I will tell Hetman a couple of secrets before the siege that could work in our favour.....we will see.
* ADERYN will transfer Yalibe to Arn during the day
* ARN, we need to setup what armies we can in Yalibe asap, like we talekd about last night - if heskey wins the fieldbattle we need to take him down with some army.
* AMILIA, make your way back to Reindi castle please, you and me can siege the castle the last two times needed.
* Butan, again we thank you for the armies you are helping us with, welcome to Yalibe and stock up on anything u need for your 1900 men, you will be forever mentioned in the history books of the Kalmarunion clan ![Smile :)](
* GTX, put all your stuff inside Yalibe
- 25 attacks in 11 days
- 54k troops died in our battles
- Killed 27000 - Lost 27000 1:1 K/D
- Won 11/16 field battles
- Last nights siege we killed amazingly 1600 troops ![Smile :)](
We are doing so good a job that you cant understand it guys - keep it up the last couple of days now - stand strong, stand tall for the NORTH!!!!
-Sending virtual Cookies
GRANDMOM Message to all:
"Through the gates of hell" -
Bloody men of Kalmar,
For The Glory Of Margerete,
We went Beyond The Gates Of Hell,
We Fought To Stay Together,
No option for surrender,
They watched us rise with fire in our eyes,
Reindi Castle now is ours by right,
They now fear what we have become,
respected by many hated by some,
Stand tall
Stand strong
Stand together
as one....
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