I'm sure there are, but they're in the minority for sure. Also, football seems to be breeding this sort of "dive culture" as you say, it's silly and it certainly ruins the sportsmanship of the game. It's one reason I prefer Rugby refereeing, his word is law & only the captain can speak to them, it certainly keeps a more civil tone about things, I hope they do something like that in American football too.
Don't get me wrong when I say that not a lot of people like it, I mean I don't exactly speak for all 63/64 million Brits, as much as I would like to think I do! ;)
I do love that kind of stuff in sport, surely there are some in American Football? It'd be great to see some!
Yup. But all the rules are laid out. You don't do: X Y Z(or at least if you do, don't get caught). Most of the Refs(and there's like, some 15) can call the penalty. There's a Head Ref who reads and then discusses it, but once he makes the Call, it's done, unless the Head Coach challenges it(of which they get only 1 chance per 30 minutes), or it's under one of the "Review" clauses(IE Controversial enough) that means it's automatically reviewed.
Players can't argue it, but you'll see them try and go: "WTF CALL THAT" moves sometimes. Sometimes they get it(and deservedly) but mostly they don't when players make the motion for it.
Nothing like the video in US Football. Though, during halftime, there will be a show and some spectator type events if you want to watch em for 20 minutes. They do have SOME stuff that the Mascots do during games. Funny, cause the Jaguars, while sucking, have one of the best mascots in the league. He's fuking crazy. He's done some shit that I'm like: WTF! Parachuting into the stadium, zip lining from the top of the stadium lights, he's even been thrown out of the game for physically taking shit from the opposing team at times. It's Hilarious.
College football, though has stuff similar to that. My local team, the Florida State Seminoles, actually has a horse and a Seminole Indian Ride into the stadium and plant a spear into the ground and he does a war chat or some such. This stuff isn't televised, but if you go, you get to see it.
Nope. Our overpayed crybabies probably couldn't be bothered with performances like that unless they were handed bags of cash on a per-performance basis.
The players don't, but the mascots and others usually do. The players play, the mascots...well screw with the opposing team and have fun with fans.