I've voiced this issue to many people on NA, but all the devs are in EU.
You ever play starcraft 2? Ever wonder why Starcraft 2 is heralded for its great balance? Its because they gradually make small changes in their patches until they fine-tune the balance just right.
The way c-RPG has been developing, the balance is set between two extremes: Max volume and mute. Often times you will have two good ideas to balance a class or weapon be implemented, but since you implemented them both, its overkill.
Release a patch a month, and make small changes each patch. For instance, a single patch changing the slot system so that 2h and polearms now require 2 slots would have been fine. Next month implement DTV by itself. Patch after that, change throwing by reducing ammo. After that, continue to make changes until things are well balanced.
Stop with the overkill; regular small changes are better than a rare giant patch.