1) lol im not jumping up and down with joy because he killed him, im more or less patting the man on the back for taking the initiative to control the situation, and in my opinion yes, he was asking to, and was shot.
2) Scum of the earth, my definition; someone willing to steal, assault, rape, murder, or any other act of violence that would put harm to or deprive citizens of something, whether it be life or property. In this case the man decided to rob someone for a bike, a fucking bike, not a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, a FUCKING BIKE. im sorry but i cant see how you can make the view that he was cast into bike robbery because his family is starving in a dirt hovel, he didnt run up to the man screaming "im stealing this for my children" like some sort of Robin hood.
3) Why shouldnt a law enforcement official be allowed to carry off duty, all of a sudden they go off duty and they have to lock their firearm away in a container and blind themselves to the world? you do know that they live within the society that they must enforce right, sometimes those people like to confront them while they arent at work, and normally they arent to shake their hand for giving them a ticket, or putting them in jail.
4) I wouldnt claim him as a hero for shooting someone, but im sure in the eyes of the man who was just robbed at gun point that man is his hero.
5) Yes the norm of society does not steal, assault, murder one another, yes the normal civilized society of any culture on these boards dont do this to one another. It doesnt matter that your countries society is somehow different, it was a general statement to society of humans as a whole.
6) yes im pointing out that you are a foreigner, because we have done these discussions in other topics, which lasted for 20-30 pages, and the conclusion came down to, European countries dislike firearm usage, and Americans do. For some reason every time we get in to this debate, its "well he should have yelled at him first", "well he should have fired off 3 warning shots first", "human life is precious, dont kill armed robbers, only maim them by shooting them in the legs and arms", "guns are bad, they kill people", "knives do less damage", " knives dont kill people, guns do", etc etc.
7) Criminals do not reform, as much as we strive for this Utopia bullshit that you perceive as reformation in prison, it doesnt work, why do they not work you ask? because its the same shit heads that constantly come back to the fucking places time and time again, they never learn, they dont care to learn. They sit in a fucking prison for 6 years and come out worse then they were, and then 4 months later bam, back in prison again. The only person that a imprisonment sentence works on are citizens who abide the laws of, things like violent crimes and instead are sentenced for things like stealing/shoplifting, those people are in such fear of their lives that they would not dare do it again. However the scum of the earth as i put it before dont care, they would risk life for the reward. So in the end i guess you can claim its the prison systems fault for its failure, but is it really? or is it that the person doesnt care to change even when given the opportunity?