I started reading, but then I stumbled on this and instantly stopped.
And I was ready to post back at you, but then I said to myself "Should I waste time answering and trying to argue with the dev team , who except Paul, who rarely plays his own mod, they never play it but they keep adding mechanics that actually do more harm than good" , so actually you have to rethink who`s the idiot here Paul
good point. not referring to any particular dev but i think the devs need to play the game they made abit more. its pretty obvious that perhaps pretty much the entire dev team IS NOT playing at all. well please correct me if im wrong and when doing so please also state who is still playing (idc about their ingame nicks) playing on
a regular basis, more than 1min a week to check server, not strat, not rageball, not DTV but plain and simple siege/battle. personally i think battle have most issues in terms of balance but thats me
siege have always been screwed up imo, because of the random respawning for defenders.