30% more turn rate
This is meaningless for short weapons.
, meaning more damage
, less glancing
With less base damage, no.
, and faster swings
Hiltslashing is faster
( cant really miss overhead anymore )
Same point as with turn speed : the surface you can cover with an active 1h overhead is tiny.
. incredibly broken strong stab atm.
Incredibly less so than 2h
nudge that staggers long enough to get a free hit if done right
Yeah, but all nudges are bullshit IMO. It's a gimmicky feature with nonsensical limitations (cooldown)
, dousnt suffer a stabblockstun,
The exact same duration as that of 2h or pole, I don't remember which one exactly, but it's the shortest one
ballanced blunts
Because unbalanced weapons are so bad
with high knockdown chance,
About half of what the corresponding 2h knockdown weapon does
piercing swing weapons that shine in clusterfucks
Morningstar and bec shine not only in clusterfucks
, specially when the leftswing autoaims for the head.
Fair point, although if we discussed animations further than this I don't think 1h would seem all that good
all this while being able to use a shield
Which is a marginally useful tool if we consider good players that additionally slows you down and makes you lose half a dozen skill points.
or a ranged weapon.
So, 1h are OP because they can be used as sidearm ?
shieldbash that is very effective if utelized in teamplay.
Same point about all nudges, they are stupid and too powerful
only thing they lack is long reach.
I assume you added this in an attempt to sound unbiaised
but hey they can close gaps fast with shields,
Yes, because being the slowest unit with the same amount of armor lets you close gaps easily
and the stab is effectinve up untill the tip of the animation.
The 2h stab is effective up until
after the animation reached maximum extension
kicks are a decent counter but only 1vs1 and still risky, simply a no go in teamfights since kicks hold u in place...
So now a class has to have a strong counter move like kicks ? What move counters 2h or polearms then ?
weapon stuns work to but arent that reliable..
Held overheads of weapons above 3.5 weight get stuns very reliably. Even against shields.
any feedback to disprove the opness of this class is welcome.
My pleasure