You're being silly, for two reasons.
a) 125 votes for no change, yes, but out of 973. I don't know about you, but to me that suggests most people still want to see something changed. Now, we have how many poll options? 19. So what you're trying to do is to count each of those "no change" votes no less than 18 times. The correct number to subtract would be seven votes from each other option. Hardly much of an issue, and honestly a pretty pointless thing to do in the first place.
b) You don't have access to that data, so it's useless to speculate about. Best thing to do is assume it's more or less equal for all cases and look at the balance of nerf/buff votes, like Cosmos did -- at least while we wait for what Vargas has to say.
A) This entire part makes zero sense to me, for multiple reasons. First, and the least important reason, I'm not sure where you're getting 17. With how you're suggesting to weigh the "no change" votes, there is no way that these votes could have an effect on the poll anyway. You're adding 17 to both sides of an equation. There can't be a change unless one vote already has fewer than 17 votes to begin with. These votes mean nothing because of how
you're weighing them. Also, no less than 18 votes? A "no change" vote would be more accurately examined by simply adding a "no change" option for all 9 classes. Thus it's 9 votes, not 18, it's not the same as having both a buff and a nerf vote.
A better way would be: A "buff" vote representing a 1, a "nerf" as -1 and a "no change", as 0. Cosmos already did this with his graph, he just left out the 0 part.
Using throwing as an example to see the significant impact:
(264(1)+89(-1)+125(0))/(264+89+125) = 0.37 37% in favor of a throwing buff
If you ignore the "no change" options, you get:
(264-89)/(264+89) = .50 50% in favor of a throwing buff
Quite a bit different, though it's still easy to see either way, that throwing needs a buff.
B) You're right. I was merely suggesting that people should keep that in mind when they look at his graphs. I don't actually see where I was speculating about these things either, just bearing mention to the fact that his graphs are obviously missing this data. The problem with pretty graphs like that, is that people don't do their own analysis of the data and just assume that what a graph shows, is final.