Author Topic: Spathovaklion  (Read 2024 times)

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Re: Spathovaklion
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2013, 10:10:09 pm »
Yeah, I was looking for an angle that showed all of the Final Boss loom textures (axe+scabbard+jarid) and the heraldic shield. The only angle that achieves that results in the torso of a Barbie doll. I'll give it another go.

Call me vain, but I select my gear based on Final Boss' textures rather than stats (which is how I ended up with the gimped Arming Sword).

Haha.. I too select my gear based on looks alone. Granted, an axe is an axe as far as I am concerned, looks were the original reason I was drawn to the ever-hated longsword. It's just so attractive. Also all of my loomed armor I chose because form>function. For my peasant attire I even go without a helm because none match well... although I get oneshot to the face all the time.. oh well... still have far more fun being sexy. xD

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Re: Spathovaklion
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2013, 10:14:45 pm »
Skeying is the worst thing you can do against 1h stab. Just facehug and move to their right side (you strafe left into them) and if you have good athletics, they'll glance. If there's a bit of distance, just block. I get them to glance all the time. Adjustments are needed, though, which is why I made that other thread.

Spathovaklion was imo useless when it was first released, since it was just a poor man's iberian mace. At first when making this thread, I was going to say to remove knockdown, but I think reducing weight is more fair and you move slightly faster, too, at the cost of susceptibility to getting weapon stunned.

Offline Jona

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Re: Spathovaklion
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2013, 11:13:00 pm »
Skeying is the worst thing you can do against 1h stab. Just facehug and move to their right side (you strafe left into them) and if you have good athletics, they'll glance. If there's a bit of distance, just block. I get them to glance all the time. Adjustments are needed, though, which is why I made that other thread.

Spathovaklion was imo useless when it was first released, since it was just a poor man's iberian mace. At first when making this thread, I was going to say to remove knockdown, but I think reducing weight is more fair and you move slightly faster, too, at the cost of susceptibility to getting weapon stunned.

Well, when you can't see a stab coming... its hard to prepare. Sure I could facehug and stay to his right the entire time... but I have high athletics so I am all over the place.

Back to the spathovaklion... I think that it should definitely get a huge weight reduction... its so small and flimsy that thing should bend and snap after only a few solid strikes. It only makes sense that it could easily get stunned in place of flat out breaking. Not to mention a weight reduction is also a nerf to knockdown, and the less knockdown in this game the better.
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