Osiris: your little escapade once again showed that the most fun one can have in strat is when fighting and overcoming (at least for a short time) incredible odds. It was great fun, and I thank you.
Concerning OdE: there seems to have been a change in leadership. The new leadership, over eagerly looking for action, made a few bad calls, like fucking over a one man clan with whom the old leadership had agreed on a NAP (ye had to write that out again
But, its just a game, and what ever happened, I know for sure a clan that Butan is associated must have a bunch of nice guys.
So my suggestion to KrisTovi and other OdE's: dont try to justify anything here, if you arent in the position or have the knowledge of all events, you aint doing any good by that.
If you feel like having to say something, let your leaders speak (which would be appreciated)