It was pretty hilarious I am told Dont worry Bulzur we got the ticket back anyways ;)
How dare you find my death funny ! How dare all of you trampled my poor body, which lost all function after receiving two scythe's hits in the head...
Tenne, i'll have your head next.
Where is that damn peasant shoot down, so that i can win and lock you up a few days before returning to normal cooperation.
I'm going to isolate myself this all evening, me, 12 friends, and 24 bottles of all sort of alcohol. I'll be better tomorrow. But next fight, i'll be sure to compensate for that unhonorable death ! I'm proud to be, usually, a good mercenary, a good guard (who knows first how to guard his own life^^) and i'll live to thoses expectations !
Congratulations on your victory though, GK, poor bandits didn't know what hit them.^^