Yeah there was good speculation that it would be set further back in history, I was truly hoping/banking on it being full on viking/migration era since all we had seen was that anglo saxon dude.
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loginits got to be the biggest disapointment of these screenshots that instead of going for something historic they seem to be going for even less historic.
This series was never perfectly historically accurate, and one its chief issues in that regard was the way it mashed together equipment and cultures separated by several centuries. That doesn't change the fact that the setting is obviously undergoing a backward shift in time with this game.
True but the historical gap in m&b was never so huge that a average person would really notice imo. The culture mash was more noticeable, but less important in a game imo.
but surely even people who know nothing about history would find it jarring to have roman looking gear along side clearly late medieval gear shown in these new screenshots. so I don't get what taleworlds are doing at all.