If you do the mistake to upload a banner after setting your gear, youre gonna have a bad time because the page refreshes itself and makes all your set gear to dissapear.
Could be done, would require making the server aware of the equipment choices, which it isn't at the moment. Would also be nice because you could then send links to others and it would open the Viewer with the selected apparel already equipped.
Also, adding a tab with default hex codes would be nice, something like the c-rpg page has on the banner page.
Can be done. Do I have to join a clan to see this c-rpg banner page, or can someone post a screenshot? Maybe I should just show a full color picker, when someone click on the input field.
Also adding weapons and shields would be awesome, but I take it requires a lot of extra coding, I wish I knew coding so I could help you.
I wouldn't say it takes a lot of coding (although it might require some, haven't explored weapons and shields yet). But it certainly takes a lot of manual labor that I'm simply not going to do. But I might soon describe the conversion process, so other people might give it a try (but it's quite time consuming, so I doubt anyone will take up the ball). Basically, you have to open the BRF file, export the model as .smd or .obj, open the correct DDS texture files (usually 3 per item), scale them, export them as jpg/png, import the model in blender, rotate and scale, if necessary, export the model in .js format, open the .js format in notepad and put in the correct paths to the texture files, then finally put in the path to the model into the viewer selection thingies in the viewer code file. Depending on the item, it takes between 2 and 5 minutes. So the remaining items should take between 6 and 15 hours of work to convert. Not that long, but it's tedious, repetitive work. You also have to control every item quickly in the viewer, and the constant switching between lots of applications makes you crazy after a while. That's why I trained my beard to do it. At first it was happy to have something to do instead of hanging around all day, but soon it started making demands for fair pay, and then it joined a union with other hair groups of my body, and now I have to provide them with dental plans, retirement arrangements, and all kinds of bullshit. It got so bad that I gave up on their "help" and did the last few armors myself, again.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to automate the process.