The risk of dying needs to tie into the ease at which you deal damage. That means its no good putting in something with say 1/5 of the HP of everyone else if that class can simply point & click on enemies for damage, even if that damage is 1HP per shot. It all depends on the overall package. Does the ease at which archers shoot enemies that can't shoot back get balanced by the risk they put themselves in? I would say no because they don't need to get in the thick of the combat, they can find high or safe places, they get loads of ammo so can shoot and miss over and over, they can block melee attacks as a last resort, and if they have some PS they can use 1 handers which are actually quite strong in melee vs melee.
I would make projectiles take longer to hit a target and make it take longer to line up a shot. For Melee:Battlegrounds I hope they simply improve the complexity of the shooting mechanics so crosshairs are done away with entirely.
Xbows are the worst though, these things are like they are almost tacked onto M&B as an afterthought