I would like to say that i had a big respect towards Merc clan , as i still have for some players there.
After seeing this
http://forum.melee.org/general-discussion/barabe-vs-grey_order-duels/ i tried to challange few guys on same thing, such as JAckieChan from Byzantium who lost 3 tiems versus me and payed me 100k gold and 1 lp, Big respect for this man.
After a while i challanged a Merc guy called Merc_Closer who started saying that im a noob, so first we went on EU _3 and rule was who reach 5 victories first he will win and opponet will give him a loompoint as reward. I beat him 2 times with my main so it was 2-0 than he started to insult me and qq about my lvl so i made a STF char lvl 30 and i beat him 5-1, and than he just started to insult me again and did not give me my reward.
I know im not gonna get anything by this nethir do i want that damn lp, i just wanted to point this out how pathethic he was at this point.
His name is Tom_Thum
Here are few SS: