I find it funny that ACHILLES2545 (aka know as Mercurial, Slash and Tempa_T and 50 other nicknames) is fighting for Mercs honor now. Don't you get it? You're never gonna be a full member of Mercs (you should've realized that when you were in their Academy for 8 months and then tried to rejoin with another nickname and got instantly removed after they found out).
You're saying that Wolves are assholes here and there, yet you did the exact same thing (lower amount of course) to Shu Han (Byzantium). The guy took 1.2k troops from Shu Han when he left Byzantium. Kept his village that we gave him and hired mercs to defend it once Shu Han wanted it back.
Equipment was 1k shiny along with 16k trade goods and 16k horsies.
My point: stop being a little hypocrite
And yes, it does indeed suck for Mercs for being punished by members greed.