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Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:52:19 pm »
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I've been a jerk in the past. I'm kinda sick of it and it wasn't really polite and I apologize. If I have TW'ed, TK'ed, hazed, or harassed you in the past I apologize. In the future I will be chill instead of jerk.

Sorry dudes, CRPG is a pretty fun place to be and i'm kinda tired of being a dickpuncher. I know a thread is kinda lame, but i'm a firm believer in admitting when I'm wrong no matter how awkward.


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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 09:24:55 pm »
Would you be kind to enlighten us, poor EUmy old friends, about all your ventures in the past that led to this special moment?

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2013, 09:57:06 pm »
Would you be kind to enlighten us, poor EUmy old friends, about all your ventures in the past that led to this special moment?

Thank you in advance.

The whole clan was banished from the normal NA servers to a server that was only for LLJK back in the day.  Maybe that'll help you start.

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2013, 10:38:11 pm »
Snatch Duster posted:
Ylca, still posting and making big discoveries that everyone already knows.
Ylca, still posting advice to new players when he can barely break a 1:1 kdr.
Ylca, still posting piles of shit.
I will never understand why you left LLJK.
You really don't know when to leave well enough alone, do you?
What with such an inviting atmosphere who would ever want to go? I'm a drifter, a guess. Good to know that KDR is an indicator of the ability to test basic striking mechanics though. I wasn't aware that LLJK was an elite clan in which your KDR is attached to your ability to contribute, had i known that earlier perhaps i would have made a few different decisions.
Why did I leave? Because repetitive half-assed trolling is boring. One can only hear the same phrase repeated so many times before it becomes mind numbing. Beyond that internal trolling and external trolling is amazing, so amazing that it's not filtered at all and almost had everyone with any attachement to goon banned permanently from all servers hosting North America. Instead of looking back and saying "wow we almost got everyone banned, how can we prevent this from happening" it's the same circle-jerk "Everyone else is bad, we are good because we are goon" ridiculousness. Who wouldn't want to be a part of an organization where the "troll" is the highest form of praise and any sort of dissent leads to a massive bandwagon of high school level proportions.
There's no substance, we never had conversations because they were white noised at every opportunity. Politics? No, gaming? Well- hate all games so no. The TS revolves around a few interesting personalities which is ironic because half the channel only speaks up to call them idiots, the rest of the day is spent talking about CRPG or how bad everyone and everything is.
We'd turn off auto-balance because people were better than us, rather than using simple tactics to attempt to even the battle field. I was almost shouted off the server for mentioning I wanted to do a skirmish with a then allied clan because "We'd just lose, Goons are terrible". Well hell yeah if we roll over to every challenge. No training program so in spite of constantly being told how stupid it was i worked on pushing one out anyway. Surprise now many people are actually training together and with the help of a few other players who actually care about doing things besides showing how e-cool they are new players might actually learn something instead of spending their first few days wondering what the fuck, then leaving.
You said yourself you get 100 goons and 10 stay around. Why does goonswarm have such a high retention rate? Because they actually give new players direction and something to do. Hey yeah, it's cool to have power but when you're in charge and the guy who joined a week ago is setting up programs that should have been in place long ago for a clan that's months old, there's a huge problem.
Why am i posting advice to new players? Cause as a new player i was about the only one attempting to find and give detailed answers and it took about 4 weeks to badger a training program into existence, that's why. Blue on blue trolling is great, but when i walked in the door as a new player there were a few people that were helpful but mostly everyone was so busy trolling they couldn't even explain what a feint was. Thankfully that seems to be falling by the wayside, good on you.
Let me save a bit of time "Ylca stop sperging", because any time someone posts anything over a sentence long that doesn't involve some sort of meme the same tired phrase pops up. Re-read this thread buddy, even the insults here are repetitive and uncreative- the only reason it hasn't been pointed out is that the bandwagon demands that no one break the code of trollhood, every troll is a good troll no matter how little effort involved or how little humor. Oh that's right, I probably missed the joke- FYAD was never my thing. Oh and as to why I'm so angry, I'd have to ask why one thinks a post with 3 paragraphs takes more than 2 minutes to type and why someone has to have a strong emotion to discuss a topic?
The many of you who are awesome won't say a word about those who are willing to watch the world burn. I said when i first started hopping around channels that perhaps we should work on making the trolls funny instead of just 4chan style meme spewing but the stupid newbie was wrong until a banhammer is about to slam down upon the heads of goons everywhere. Oh that's right, Ecko was being unreasonable and no one has any idea why goons are among the most hated, banned, and generally politically screwed entities in all of CRPG.
"Hey guys we can troll our allies all day, but they'll totally help us out when we ask". Are you kidding me? The alliance boot wasn't a shock, the almost mass ban wasn't a shock, and if something doesn't change the actual mass ban won't surprise me either. Of course what do i know, I'm just a sperg and all this is coming completely out of nowhere and has no relation to reality. Even know the public relations team is hard at work on figuring out how to spin out the truth but the fact is- you guys need to get your act together and stop treating each other like you just discovered lolcats. Or you don't but the clan is always going to be small, constantly have members leaving, and stagnate.
When there are multiple instances of people attaining personal information about other goons (Nightshroud/Gaga/Poophammer) but it's funny until it happens to the boss (because who really wants some e-nerd talking about your RL fiance because they tracked you down) then you have some serious prioritization and organizational problems.
Why did i leave? Cause half of the shit that goes on that server would have one banned off this site in half a second. Internet Detective/ Constantly being an actual dick to each other/ rampant memory, none of that would fly here. I signed up for a Goon clan, i don't know what you guys are trying to accomplish, but you need to figure it out before everyone drifts off except the special new people you attract, like, say Zealot whos whimsical fancy almost landed a serious consequence.
Alright go ahead, ignore all the points and active group defensive mode. I'm wrong and i'm terrible, and i just didn't fit in because i was too whatever, I totally just made all this up, and blah blah blah. Maybe a funny picture or two followed by a ton of "accidental" TKing and maybe a ban from TX. I wish that weren't par for the course, but from my experiences with you guys- that's exactly what's going to happen.
Like I said, some great guys- your organization needs serious work and i'm not about to hang around with people who think that e-humor is worth real life detective work. I just wanted to play CRPG, not have to buy a lifelock account because some "goon", and i use the title very lightly, thinks that the funniest thing to do is to figure out exactly where i live and post my personal info directly on the forums. The fact that I've made multiple fake accounts all leading to a fake identity because of the multiple conversations had in the goon TS on how easy and funny tracking someone down is is absolute bullshit and you know it.
damug posted:
It's nice to know you finally agree with what I've told you all along.
A lot of players made a lot of statements, most of them contradictory. Since when i first showed up most questions were met with silence or a wall of bullshit, i decided to just do it myself. A few like Damug were really helpful, but I really don't understand why personal research is so frowned upon around here, or why some people take personal projects as an aggressive direct attack. I thought it would be apparent by now that i like figuring out exactly why things work the way they do, not just a vague "Oh yeah, bolts totally probably go through shields."
Over the course of my playing this game i'm going to end up doing a lot of testing, especially when new patches come out- but one of the leaders of LLJK feels i am poisoning the minds of newer members with my low KDR opinions, by all means i'll keep all my data to myself and just post general tips.
Captain Classical posted:
Your a fucking moronic sperg, god damn are we happy to be rid of you.
You're a pretty intelligent guy. Interesting that you had no idea your actions could screw over all goons as that was the first thing that popped into my head the first time you posted a ban on their servers. I have to say with the high opinion in which I hold you and your actions, your words are really deeply wounding.
The problem is that when you give people advice on the battlefield it's either common sense or it's the equivalent of a child who got a toy sword giving orders to a bunch of veteran warriors.
The thought that people automatically know exactly how the mechanics of this game work and how to work together instantly is laughable and one of the reasons training took so long to implement. Ever grabbed a random group of internet folk and told them to line up? How long did it take? Yeah, common sense is often not so common, and if it is one should be able to mention once and the results should be immediately visible. Doesn't really seem to be the case, hence training which by the way i stressed over and over again was only for the people who wanted to train, not forced on anyone.
so a lot of people tried to give you advice, tons of good solid players in this game, and every time we did, you just shrugged it off like you knew better.. "Hey Ylca, hug him and strike when his sword hits your shield, go go Ylca!", what do you do in response to everyone telling you this? Keep your shield up and run, your a fucking moronic sperg, god damn are we happy to be rid of you.
Yeah i remember a lot of good players shouting a lot of random shit like "Hold your shield up", "Drop your shield", "You're going to die idiot". I'm pretty quick on the draw, i'd like to think, but i certainly can't take 15 commands at once, especially not on a server on which i had to turn the sound down because instead of speaking in any sort of order people just turn up the output volume on their mic.
Keep your shield up and run, your a fucking moronic sperg, god damn are we happy to be rid of you.
It's almost as though this generation is an 8 athletics build, i can move fast enough to dodge in and out of combat, and every time I bailed it was either to get a better angle, or to link up with my teammates so I, a new player, would always engage with a buddy instead of trying to show how great my e-skills were one on one, dying, and contributing to a loss. I train dueling on the duel servers so when i have to i can (sort of), but in a battle i'm doing whatever it takes to make the team win, not pad my K/D. If i get a strike in and that means that guy with the two hander kills the enemy in one strike instead of two, then we go on to get a multiplier i consider it mission accomplished. Sorry if not rushing in head first is a terrible tactical decision in your opinion, i guess it's just a difference in playstyle.
e: Ooh missed some.
Yes, saying we need to train is a "speculation" for Strategus. Yes, waiting until Strategus starts to fix any of your problems is a great idea, it's not as though there is some sort of major force just chomping at the bit to attack LLJK and with their many allies defense shouldn't be at all a problem, even with players who have no idea how to swing left and right without teamwounding. Yes, it is a lot of words about video games, kind of like the first post- or any post on a place where the purpose is to meet and discuss events and ideas and text.
Any more? Or would you like to return to the regularly scheduled thread about CRPG?
Welp, here we go again.
Kung Fu Jesus posted:
If it makes you feel any better, I happen to agree with you. I thought about quitting goons over this latest mass ban shit. And I still might, depending on how things pan out within LLJK. I'm waiting to see if anything changes or not. I just don't sperg like you. I just go about my business, choose to play on other servers, and ignore and/or mute half the people in TS, if I bother to even log in there.
"I agree with what you said, but actually saying something about it is spergy ylca. You see you should keep quiet like me and just ignore a majority of the people in your clan"- this is actually the attitude that prevails. Hey don't like it? Okay, just stay quiet though- if you try to change anything you are immediately a threat and we will unleash the beast that is the claim of sperg, a massively useful tool for halting any conversation whilst sidestepping any valid criticism. Except it's really not.
If you want to train and practice maneuvers, so be it. LLJK is big clan, surely there is others like you. If you want to fuck off and just kill shit, lol. Then go do that. The serious players in other mmos will be content progression players that make raids and grind through tier gear. The relax players will just chill out and enjoy the game for what it is.
Man, it's almost as though i specifically pointed out time after time that all training would be optional, yet readily available, and my only complaint was that every time i quietly tried to organize someone, including you, would toss up a shitstorm about the very concept of a completely optional activity. When the leader of a clan is actively discouraging people from participating in something that has no bearing on his activities, yeah it's a bit of an issue.
lso the problem with new players wanting to jump into super serious strategous mode, is players like Ycla bailing at the smallest problem
Remember that thing i said about well enough alone? Hey, let's talk about "small problems" this will be enjoyable.
Perhaps the problem is leadership who has better diplomatic skills on a forum than in their own clan. Hey let's talk about a "leader" starting a bandwagon campaign because he was mad at one member who made a simple suggestion. Hey let's talk about the problems with handling diplomacy in a way that doesn't involve constantly trolling your supposed allies at every turn then acting surprised when they turn their back on you. The interesting thing about you gaga is that it seems you don't really understand when people don't fall to your bluster.
You were upset that i mentioned anything about your precious charger because i wanted to see a population on the server, so now it's the wise and patient ruler sitting back and making flowery statements.
Since we're on flowery statements, let's talk about a few things.
Want to touch on why, after i muted myself you cleverly "trolled" by going on for hours (literally) on over multiple days with your constant attempts to get me to respond? At certain points the only sound in the channel was silence or the bandwagon on just how terrible muted Ylca was being. Hey would you mind explaing why you thought it'd be hilarious it is to single out the black guy in teamspeak and spend multiple days asking "hey what do black people think about this, Ylca- you're black you should know right" over and over again like a broken record? Is that a troll, i'm not really good at trolling so i don't get how it works out- see i thought repetition and a lack of creativity was frowned upon, but i guess i might have been mistaken- because you're just trolling a smidgen- sorry to have mistaken the constant droning in my ears from your mic as complete and utter garbage.
Mind telling me why, with you in private and saying that i had no hard feelings and i'd love to leave well enough alone, you agreeing, and the very next day going back to the exact same garbage. What made you think it would be in your best interest to "troll" the shit out of me by saying "post about it" pretty much every other word i said for about three or so hours immediately after asking me to do you a favor and try to drum up support from reddit? First off we shouldn't need to recruit from other sites when we come from a site with 150K members and are recruiting for a free mod to a game that costs 7 dollars pretty much every month. Secondly, how the hell would you expect me to convince other people to join while doing everything in your power to convince me to get the fuck out?
I never did understand why you acted so surprised and couldn't figure out what was going on as to why i then wouldn't do your work for you and then you tried to convince me to do what you wanted by "trolling" even harder- oh and tossing in a few of your buddies that like to ride the bandwagon too. Man, the list of your stellar leadership decisions goes on and on. Man i surely shouldn't have made that post about chargers that started your months long petty grudge- had i known you were such a child perhaps i'd have skipped the whole thing entirely. Well, probably not buy it would have been nice to be forewarned that crossing high lord Gaga, even in the most minor of ways, leads to becoming public goon enemy number one.
Interesting though that even just looking through this thread concepts i was getting smashed on for just weeks ago are now suddenly staples of the goon activity list. I suppose that was stellar Gaga leadership as well since we all know that traitor goon Ylca bails at the slightest sign of trouble, congratulations on pushing those ideas through, by the way.
Your problem with me has always seemed to be that i won't toe your line. Sorry, i know you're e-powerful but the place had problems and i worked on fixing them while you worked at every turn to stop me over a petty personal grudge. That sounds like pretty great leadership to me. I'm sure you're used to people just scrunching up and backing down when you start throwing your weight around, when you scream over and at them like a child in TS and elsewhere, but i'm sorry- I'm not really the guy to keep quiet over your silly e-reputation, and only the thought that i could work something out on the inside kept me speaking openly on the issues that are easily fixed, but absolutely ignored.
You can make all the claims you want to protect your image, but the honest truth is you really screwed up on this one. You got bored, you let shit stagnate and a sea of bullshit is the result. Thankfully there seems to be some sort of activity occurring now, and it only took weeks of making the same simple suggestions, implementing them, and watching people climb on board as well.
At any rate, i bailed so hard that you get to "troll" me in this thread as well and let all the joys of being a member in LLJK spill all over the very forums from which you recruit. The great part? You can say whatever you want, but when people drop into the thread they're going to read every word and make their own opinions pretty quickly. Some of them will still even join, but if you're pulling the same idiocy they'll notice sooner rather than later and not waste their time. If not, hey- you've managed to make a strong goon clan in CRPG something the game needs to shake things up a bit. Win-Win for me, what do you gain by constantly rehashing this business or slipping in your own little jabs. This very thread is a perfect example of your amazing ability to leave well enough alone and let sleeping arguments lie. No grudge to minor to carry to the grave, i suppose.
"It's just a video game". Hell yeah CRPG is a video game, but LLJK is an organization and for any organization to run it needs simple functions that can't be ignored, for instance an understanding that spending all day trolling internally is a colossally stupid idea. When you mock me one day for pointing out that Internet Detective work would get you banned here, and asking why we allow/celebrate it in a goon clan- but the very next day threaten to ban people who do find and post pictures of your fiance then start making jokes about your address to you you demonstrate the classic "hey it's funny as long as it doesn't happen to me!". Not a great stance for leading a group, by the way. How is it that LLJK has so few members, anyway. Sure, the old guard may have left after Strategus, but where is the new blood. I've seen a few people post here and there, but honestly you've got to be kidding yourself if you think any amount of wordplay is going to put a shiny coat on the recent fruits of your leadership labor.
I'm sure the people reading this thread are thinking about how ever so much fun LLJK seems. Very productive on both ends i must say, really- please keep your historical revisions coming and i will happily continue talking at length about the ridiculous sub-FYAD atmosphere and antics that go on. You can call me whatever you want, say whatever you'd like, try to slip in that last little fox news half-truth. That's cool, i'll just keep posting these wonderful little tidbits about my wonderful stay in LLJK. I love to post, remember?

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My posting is like a katana folded 1000 times to perfection.. and the community is what keeps the edge sharp.. and bloody.  -  Me.

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2013, 10:46:35 pm »
WTF, I started reading, then took a look down...

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2013, 10:47:04 pm »
Smoothrich, I knew you would post but man you actually the time to search through months old threads and pull up old posts just on account of me! I rarely ever see you on the servers, but it's good to know that you're still around still have a sense of humor (and a lot of free time) on your hands.

Never change man, you always go the extra mile.  :D

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2013, 10:52:47 pm »
TL;DR version please.

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2013, 10:54:03 pm »
My posting is like a katana folded 1000 times to perfection.. and the community is what keeps the edge sharp.. and bloody.  -  Me.

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2013, 11:12:14 pm »
Snatch Duster posted:
Ylca, still posting and making big discoveries that everyone already knows.
Ylca, still posting advice to new players when he can barely break a 1:1 kdr.
Ylca, still posting piles of shit.
I will never understand why you left LLJK.
You really don't know when to leave well enough alone, do you?
What with such an inviting atmosphere who would ever want to go? I'm a drifter, a guess. Good to know that KDR is an indicator of the ability to test basic striking mechanics though. I wasn't aware that LLJK was an elite clan in which your KDR is attached to your ability to contribute, had i known that earlier perhaps i would have made a few different decisions.
Why did I leave? Because repetitive half-assed trolling is boring. One can only hear the same phrase repeated so many times before it becomes mind numbing. Beyond that internal trolling and external trolling is amazing, so amazing that it's not filtered at all and almost had everyone with any attachement to goon banned permanently from all servers hosting North America. Instead of looking back and saying "wow we almost got everyone banned, how can we prevent this from happening" it's the same circle-jerk "Everyone else is bad, we are good because we are goon" ridiculousness. Who wouldn't want to be a part of an organization where the "troll" is the highest form of praise and any sort of dissent leads to a massive bandwagon of high school level proportions.
There's no substance, we never had conversations because they were white noised at every opportunity. Politics? No, gaming? Well- hate all games so no. The TS revolves around a few interesting personalities which is ironic because half the channel only speaks up to call them idiots, the rest of the day is spent talking about CRPG or how bad everyone and everything is.
We'd turn off auto-balance because people were better than us, rather than using simple tactics to attempt to even the battle field. I was almost shouted off the server for mentioning I wanted to do a skirmish with a then allied clan because "We'd just lose, Goons are terrible". Well hell yeah if we roll over to every challenge. No training program so in spite of constantly being told how stupid it was i worked on pushing one out anyway. Surprise now many people are actually training together and with the help of a few other players who actually care about doing things besides showing how e-cool they are new players might actually learn something instead of spending their first few days wondering what the fuck, then leaving.
You said yourself you get 100 goons and 10 stay around. Why does goonswarm have such a high retention rate? Because they actually give new players direction and something to do. Hey yeah, it's cool to have power but when you're in charge and the guy who joined a week ago is setting up programs that should have been in place long ago for a clan that's months old, there's a huge problem.
Why am i posting advice to new players? Cause as a new player i was about the only one attempting to find and give detailed answers and it took about 4 weeks to badger a training program into existence, that's why. Blue on blue trolling is great, but when i walked in the door as a new player there were a few people that were helpful but mostly everyone was so busy trolling they couldn't even explain what a feint was. Thankfully that seems to be falling by the wayside, good on you.
Let me save a bit of time "Ylca stop sperging", because any time someone posts anything over a sentence long that doesn't involve some sort of meme the same tired phrase pops up. Re-read this thread buddy, even the insults here are repetitive and uncreative- the only reason it hasn't been pointed out is that the bandwagon demands that no one break the code of trollhood, every troll is a good troll no matter how little effort involved or how little humor. Oh that's right, I probably missed the joke- FYAD was never my thing. Oh and as to why I'm so angry, I'd have to ask why one thinks a post with 3 paragraphs takes more than 2 minutes to type and why someone has to have a strong emotion to discuss a topic?
The many of you who are awesome won't say a word about those who are willing to watch the world burn. I said when i first started hopping around channels that perhaps we should work on making the trolls funny instead of just 4chan style meme spewing but the stupid newbie was wrong until a banhammer is about to slam down upon the heads of goons everywhere. Oh that's right, Ecko was being unreasonable and no one has any idea why goons are among the most hated, banned, and generally politically screwed entities in all of CRPG.
"Hey guys we can troll our allies all day, but they'll totally help us out when we ask". Are you kidding me? The alliance boot wasn't a shock, the almost mass ban wasn't a shock, and if something doesn't change the actual mass ban won't surprise me either. Of course what do i know, I'm just a sperg and all this is coming completely out of nowhere and has no relation to reality. Even know the public relations team is hard at work on figuring out how to spin out the truth but the fact is- you guys need to get your act together and stop treating each other like you just discovered lolcats. Or you don't but the clan is always going to be small, constantly have members leaving, and stagnate.
When there are multiple instances of people attaining personal information about other goons (Nightshroud/Gaga/Poophammer) but it's funny until it happens to the boss (because who really wants some e-nerd talking about your RL fiance because they tracked you down) then you have some serious prioritization and organizational problems.
Why did i leave? Cause half of the shit that goes on that server would have one banned off this site in half a second. Internet Detective/ Constantly being an actual dick to each other/ rampant memory, none of that would fly here. I signed up for a Goon clan, i don't know what you guys are trying to accomplish, but you need to figure it out before everyone drifts off except the special new people you attract, like, say Zealot whos whimsical fancy almost landed a serious consequence.
Alright go ahead, ignore all the points and active group defensive mode. I'm wrong and i'm terrible, and i just didn't fit in because i was too whatever, I totally just made all this up, and blah blah blah. Maybe a funny picture or two followed by a ton of "accidental" TKing and maybe a ban from TX. I wish that weren't par for the course, but from my experiences with you guys- that's exactly what's going to happen.
Like I said, some great guys- your organization needs serious work and i'm not about to hang around with people who think that e-humor is worth real life detective work. I just wanted to play CRPG, not have to buy a lifelock account because some "goon", and i use the title very lightly, thinks that the funniest thing to do is to figure out exactly where i live and post my personal info directly on the forums. The fact that I've made multiple fake accounts all leading to a fake identity because of the multiple conversations had in the goon TS on how easy and funny tracking someone down is is absolute bullshit and you know it.
damug posted:
It's nice to know you finally agree with what I've told you all along.
A lot of players made a lot of statements, most of them contradictory. Since when i first showed up most questions were met with silence or a wall of bullshit, i decided to just do it myself. A few like Damug were really helpful, but I really don't understand why personal research is so frowned upon around here, or why some people take personal projects as an aggressive direct attack. I thought it would be apparent by now that i like figuring out exactly why things work the way they do, not just a vague "Oh yeah, bolts totally probably go through shields."
Over the course of my playing this game i'm going to end up doing a lot of testing, especially when new patches come out- but one of the leaders of LLJK feels i am poisoning the minds of newer members with my low KDR opinions, by all means i'll keep all my data to myself and just post general tips.
Captain Classical posted:
Your a fucking moronic sperg, god damn are we happy to be rid of you.
You're a pretty intelligent guy. Interesting that you had no idea your actions could screw over all goons as that was the first thing that popped into my head the first time you posted a ban on their servers. I have to say with the high opinion in which I hold you and your actions, your words are really deeply wounding.
The problem is that when you give people advice on the battlefield it's either common sense or it's the equivalent of a child who got a toy sword giving orders to a bunch of veteran warriors.
The thought that people automatically know exactly how the mechanics of this game work and how to work together instantly is laughable and one of the reasons training took so long to implement. Ever grabbed a random group of internet folk and told them to line up? How long did it take? Yeah, common sense is often not so common, and if it is one should be able to mention once and the results should be immediately visible. Doesn't really seem to be the case, hence training which by the way i stressed over and over again was only for the people who wanted to train, not forced on anyone.
so a lot of people tried to give you advice, tons of good solid players in this game, and every time we did, you just shrugged it off like you knew better.. "Hey Ylca, hug him and strike when his sword hits your shield, go go Ylca!", what do you do in response to everyone telling you this? Keep your shield up and run, your a fucking moronic sperg, god damn are we happy to be rid of you.
Yeah i remember a lot of good players shouting a lot of random shit like "Hold your shield up", "Drop your shield", "You're going to die idiot". I'm pretty quick on the draw, i'd like to think, but i certainly can't take 15 commands at once, especially not on a server on which i had to turn the sound down because instead of speaking in any sort of order people just turn up the output volume on their mic.
Keep your shield up and run, your a fucking moronic sperg, god damn are we happy to be rid of you.
It's almost as though this generation is an 8 athletics build, i can move fast enough to dodge in and out of combat, and every time I bailed it was either to get a better angle, or to link up with my teammates so I, a new player, would always engage with a buddy instead of trying to show how great my e-skills were one on one, dying, and contributing to a loss. I train dueling on the duel servers so when i have to i can (sort of), but in a battle i'm doing whatever it takes to make the team win, not pad my K/D. If i get a strike in and that means that guy with the two hander kills the enemy in one strike instead of two, then we go on to get a multiplier i consider it mission accomplished. Sorry if not rushing in head first is a terrible tactical decision in your opinion, i guess it's just a difference in playstyle.
e: Ooh missed some.
Yes, saying we need to train is a "speculation" for Strategus. Yes, waiting until Strategus starts to fix any of your problems is a great idea, it's not as though there is some sort of major force just chomping at the bit to attack LLJK and with their many allies defense shouldn't be at all a problem, even with players who have no idea how to swing left and right without teamwounding. Yes, it is a lot of words about video games, kind of like the first post- or any post on a place where the purpose is to meet and discuss events and ideas and text.
Any more? Or would you like to return to the regularly scheduled thread about CRPG?
Welp, here we go again.
Kung Fu Jesus posted:
If it makes you feel any better, I happen to agree with you. I thought about quitting goons over this latest mass ban shit. And I still might, depending on how things pan out within LLJK. I'm waiting to see if anything changes or not. I just don't sperg like you. I just go about my business, choose to play on other servers, and ignore and/or mute half the people in TS, if I bother to even log in there.
"I agree with what you said, but actually saying something about it is spergy ylca. You see you should keep quiet like me and just ignore a majority of the people in your clan"- this is actually the attitude that prevails. Hey don't like it? Okay, just stay quiet though- if you try to change anything you are immediately a threat and we will unleash the beast that is the claim of sperg, a massively useful tool for halting any conversation whilst sidestepping any valid criticism. Except it's really not.
If you want to train and practice maneuvers, so be it. LLJK is big clan, surely there is others like you. If you want to fuck off and just kill shit, lol. Then go do that. The serious players in other mmos will be content progression players that make raids and grind through tier gear. The relax players will just chill out and enjoy the game for what it is.
Man, it's almost as though i specifically pointed out time after time that all training would be optional, yet readily available, and my only complaint was that every time i quietly tried to organize someone, including you, would toss up a shitstorm about the very concept of a completely optional activity. When the leader of a clan is actively discouraging people from participating in something that has no bearing on his activities, yeah it's a bit of an issue.
lso the problem with new players wanting to jump into super serious strategous mode, is players like Ycla bailing at the smallest problem
Remember that thing i said about well enough alone? Hey, let's talk about "small problems" this will be enjoyable.
Perhaps the problem is leadership who has better diplomatic skills on a forum than in their own clan. Hey let's talk about a "leader" starting a bandwagon campaign because he was mad at one member who made a simple suggestion. Hey let's talk about the problems with handling diplomacy in a way that doesn't involve constantly trolling your supposed allies at every turn then acting surprised when they turn their back on you. The interesting thing about you gaga is that it seems you don't really understand when people don't fall to your bluster.
You were upset that i mentioned anything about your precious charger because i wanted to see a population on the server, so now it's the wise and patient ruler sitting back and making flowery statements.
Since we're on flowery statements, let's talk about a few things.
Want to touch on why, after i muted myself you cleverly "trolled" by going on for hours (literally) on over multiple days with your constant attempts to get me to respond? At certain points the only sound in the channel was silence or the bandwagon on just how terrible muted Ylca was being. Hey would you mind explaing why you thought it'd be hilarious it is to single out the black guy in teamspeak and spend multiple days asking "hey what do black people think about this, Ylca- you're black you should know right" over and over again like a broken record? Is that a troll, i'm not really good at trolling so i don't get how it works out- see i thought repetition and a lack of creativity was frowned upon, but i guess i might have been mistaken- because you're just trolling a smidgen- sorry to have mistaken the constant droning in my ears from your mic as complete and utter garbage.
Mind telling me why, with you in private and saying that i had no hard feelings and i'd love to leave well enough alone, you agreeing, and the very next day going back to the exact same garbage. What made you think it would be in your best interest to "troll" the shit out of me by saying "post about it" pretty much every other word i said for about three or so hours immediately after asking me to do you a favor and try to drum up support from reddit? First off we shouldn't need to recruit from other sites when we come from a site with 150K members and are recruiting for a free mod to a game that costs 7 dollars pretty much every month. Secondly, how the hell would you expect me to convince other people to join while doing everything in your power to convince me to get the fuck out?
I never did understand why you acted so surprised and couldn't figure out what was going on as to why i then wouldn't do your work for you and then you tried to convince me to do what you wanted by "trolling" even harder- oh and tossing in a few of your buddies that like to ride the bandwagon too. Man, the list of your stellar leadership decisions goes on and on. Man i surely shouldn't have made that post about chargers that started your months long petty grudge- had i known you were such a child perhaps i'd have skipped the whole thing entirely. Well, probably not buy it would have been nice to be forewarned that crossing high lord Gaga, even in the most minor of ways, leads to becoming public goon enemy number one.
Interesting though that even just looking through this thread concepts i was getting smashed on for just weeks ago are now suddenly staples of the goon activity list. I suppose that was stellar Gaga leadership as well since we all know that traitor goon Ylca bails at the slightest sign of trouble, congratulations on pushing those ideas through, by the way.
Your problem with me has always seemed to be that i won't toe your line. Sorry, i know you're e-powerful but the place had problems and i worked on fixing them while you worked at every turn to stop me over a petty personal grudge. That sounds like pretty great leadership to me. I'm sure you're used to people just scrunching up and backing down when you start throwing your weight around, when you scream over and at them like a child in TS and elsewhere, but i'm sorry- I'm not really the guy to keep quiet over your silly e-reputation, and only the thought that i could work something out on the inside kept me speaking openly on the issues that are easily fixed, but absolutely ignored.
You can make all the claims you want to protect your image, but the honest truth is you really screwed up on this one. You got bored, you let shit stagnate and a sea of bullshit is the result. Thankfully there seems to be some sort of activity occurring now, and it only took weeks of making the same simple suggestions, implementing them, and watching people climb on board as well.
At any rate, i bailed so hard that you get to "troll" me in this thread as well and let all the joys of being a member in LLJK spill all over the very forums from which you recruit. The great part? You can say whatever you want, but when people drop into the thread they're going to read every word and make their own opinions pretty quickly. Some of them will still even join, but if you're pulling the same idiocy they'll notice sooner rather than later and not waste their time. If not, hey- you've managed to make a strong goon clan in CRPG something the game needs to shake things up a bit. Win-Win for me, what do you gain by constantly rehashing this business or slipping in your own little jabs. This very thread is a perfect example of your amazing ability to leave well enough alone and let sleeping arguments lie. No grudge to minor to carry to the grave, i suppose.
"It's just a video game". Hell yeah CRPG is a video game, but LLJK is an organization and for any organization to run it needs simple functions that can't be ignored, for instance an understanding that spending all day trolling internally is a colossally stupid idea. When you mock me one day for pointing out that Internet Detective work would get you banned here, and asking why we allow/celebrate it in a goon clan- but the very next day threaten to ban people who do find and post pictures of your fiance then start making jokes about your address to you you demonstrate the classic "hey it's funny as long as it doesn't happen to me!". Not a great stance for leading a group, by the way. How is it that LLJK has so few members, anyway. Sure, the old guard may have left after Strategus, but where is the new blood. I've seen a few people post here and there, but honestly you've got to be kidding yourself if you think any amount of wordplay is going to put a shiny coat on the recent fruits of your leadership labor.
I'm sure the people reading this thread are thinking about how ever so much fun LLJK seems. Very productive on both ends i must say, really- please keep your historical revisions coming and i will happily continue talking at length about the ridiculous sub-FYAD atmosphere and antics that go on. You can call me whatever you want, say whatever you'd like, try to slip in that last little fox news half-truth. That's cool, i'll just keep posting these wonderful little tidbits about my wonderful stay in LLJK. I love to post, remember?

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2013, 11:13:30 pm »
wow, that's a wall even Joker looks tiny against.

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2013, 11:15:32 pm »
Hey Kreczor I was especially mean to you for no real reason. Easy target i guess. Pretty shitty thing to do, sorry dude.

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2013, 11:18:58 pm »
Hey Kreczor I was especially mean to you for no real reason. Easy target i guess. Pretty shitty thing to do, sorry dude.
what? when?

if i took anything seriously in this game is that i hate goate.

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2013, 11:43:58 am »
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OMG. By God I tried reading it all. I think I read 80% of the text until my eyes started bleeding and I missed half of the point I fear. Jokers posts dont seem that bad now.


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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2013, 02:55:15 pm »
what? when?

if i took anything seriously in this game is that i hate goate.

Kreczor, quiet please, the real goons are talking.

Also, had the real gaga been playing lately or is that just an impersonator?

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Re: Sorry Dudes: A Confession.
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2013, 03:51:20 pm »
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Almost made it to 1/2.. This wall of text is so solid, it could be used in Berlin or Israel.
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