Well, obviously you guys have been doing siege wrong
No, you and the devs/admins are the ones doing siege wrong. You say that "you're aware of the situation" "it takes time" "it takes work" - but everything was fine until you lot fucked it up.
You can't do map rotation updates now because it requires a server restart. But you did do map rotation updates that required restarts back when you added in buggy maps that nobody tested, which drove players from siege over the course of like about a year while you did jack shit to fix things.
I'm not talking just about Conquest, I'm talking about numerous siege maps that were just ridiculously bad compared to what was in the rotation before, like that one that spawned eighty percent of defenders on a ledge they had to jump from and die, while all of the map besides the flag zone was buried in impenetrable underwater-type fog effects.
KUTT/Para offered you a fine map rotation a year ago. You had a bug up your ass, you wanted NA players to donate more money I guess before you did anything they wanted, and you didn't take the fix he GAVE you.
Or howabout all the extra work and time that went into "fixing" the overtime "bug"? You could have saved yourselves a lot of effort if you'd just left siege the way it was, which was perfectly fine.
The way that the situation on NA2 is being presented by the badmins is just a total misdirection. Things were grand and then dumbasses stuck their dicks up in it. That's not just what happened in NA2 siege, but what's happened to CRPG in general ever since chadz let other into the dev team.
Whoever has control over map rotation now shouldn't have it.
Whoever has control over balancing the siege game mode shouldn't have it.
Both NA1 AND NA2 were full before this shit happened and it's not just time that's caused the bleed of players.
p.s. free spook island