1. Good, I didn't say you did anything wrong, you personally. Just, if you don't know the guy, don't do any harm to him (that includes nudges which are really annoying).
2. Even better, it's actually pretty hard to get kicked

3. I'm happy it's possible to report them. Cause I hate getting nudged by a random person (or someone I dislike), then I report.

As I said before, I would never report a nudge/kick/teamhit with 0 damage in a teamfight. I rarely report any dmg at all. I only report stuff that really screws up the battle (ie. cav charging into 3 teammates and 1 enemy, getting us killed) or intentional stuff (ie. ppl killing me out of fights).
I still like this addition. Example, standing on the wall, getting nudged, falling down and dying. The nudge did zero dmg, couldnt report before cause the death on the ground didn't count as teamhit. That happened for example some days ago to me.
I still say, it's impossible to get kicked by reports actually. Just be more careful. And as you cannot get kicked by it anyway, why even mind. I like the addition for reasons above.
Of course there are still some flaws as Necrorave says.