Author Topic: Remove 0 damage reporting  (Read 2159 times)

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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2013, 01:44:31 am »
Stop nudging teammates, stop kicking them, stop running into a big melee clusterfuck and stop hitting around like a crazy guy and you will not "make" people report you for zero dmg. I wasn't reported once since that changed (and rarely before).

Learn to play carefully, there must not be 10 guys going for 2 attackers in a siege defense near a gate.

There was a reason why this was added and changed. There MUST be a reason why you get reported for up to 5 times and get kicked after that, you obviously deserve it. If a teammate reports you for a nudge/kick/teamhit that cause 0 dmg and which was actually not aimed at him, back up, fight somewhere else. Don't be so ignorant to create a thread like this.

It's also obviously the right of a guy to report you if you hit him. How can you do that up to 5 times to get kicked. If it's less, it doesn't even matter.

I do not report for that in a fight of course, but if you run up to me and randomly nudge me and I do not even know you, it's a report. And yes, I can do that. Teamhits deserve to be reported (not banned for).

True enough though, but for every problem there's a solution, e.g. back up in a narrow hallway, just join another fight.

1- I don't ever nudge and kick people unless I know that they won't mind it.
2- I never got kicked because of 5 reports.
3- Why the hell would you defend the reports for zero dmg contacts? I am talking about no fucking effect here. Suppose that you are my teammate. You hear that "pfft" just because my weapon barely touched you. You don't suffer any damage. You don't get stunned or pushed or anything because of it. But you choose to report me simply because the game entitles you to do so?

You wouldn't even report that yourself if I know you at least a little bit. Why defend this idea then? I'm okay with kicks and nudges being reportable. People find them distracting and annoying. I understand that. But why also make all other zero damage stuff reportable? Stuff that you cannot even call "hits". Stuff that doesn't even concretely affect you.

I don't know. Should I just record a fucking video and upload it here to show you? Because you don't really seem to understand what I'm talking about.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 01:47:37 am by ASGUARDIAN »

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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2013, 02:05:16 am »
1. Good, I didn't say you did anything wrong, you personally. Just, if you don't know the guy, don't do any harm to him (that includes nudges which are really annoying).
2. Even better, it's actually pretty hard to get kicked :D
3. I'm happy it's possible to report them. Cause I hate getting nudged by a random person (or someone I dislike), then I report. :P

As I said before, I would never report a nudge/kick/teamhit with 0 damage in a teamfight. I rarely report any dmg at all. I only report stuff that really screws up the battle (ie. cav charging into 3 teammates and 1 enemy, getting us killed) or intentional stuff (ie. ppl killing me out of fights).

I still like this addition. Example, standing on the wall, getting nudged, falling down and dying. The nudge did zero dmg, couldnt report before cause the death on the ground didn't count  as teamhit. That happened for example some days ago to me.

I still say, it's impossible to get kicked by reports actually. Just be more careful. And as you cannot get kicked by it anyway, why even mind. I like the addition for reasons above.
Of course there are still some flaws as Necrorave says.
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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2013, 03:07:37 am »
Miwiw, dude, my suggestion is not at all about nudges and kicks. As I said, they may remain reportable for all I care. You have all the right in the world to report them. Even if they don't deal damage, they cause annoyance and problems like falling off the walls. I get it. I think I have to write in bold and underline letters in a bigger font: "I understand you would like to report nudges and kicks. I get it. I have no problems with that. Do it whenever you get the chance. But this suggestion is not about those."

All I am talking about is totally, entirely, wholly harmless weapon contacts which don't damage you or knock you off balance or anything. Furthermore, you don't do it on purpose. It inevitably happens even if you pay enough attention -for example in narrow corridors, as was written above. The current state of the reporting system allows their reporting too. Decent players, like you, will not report those but sluts and newbies love to rape ctrl+M on those occasions.

It cannot be that hard right? The game could allow reporting nudges and kicks but not what I wrote above. Does it not make sense?

Guess I will have to add a video anyway.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 03:15:58 am by ASGUARDIAN »

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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2013, 06:44:40 am »
Meh - I like it. Some people (not all) actually tries to fuck around and cause trouble to the team. And by this, if they intentionally hit you to cause some problems, you have a way to report them and get him kicked, if he continuously doing so.

I would rather keep it.

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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2013, 07:51:10 am »
Didn't read lol but I changed it so that weapon bounces don't cause reports anymore. Only 0 dam punches, kicks, nudges and probably horse bumps(didn't test the last) will be shown. I don't care about the American tradition of round end victory punches either. If you want to clobber a teammate, do it with someone who doesn't mind.

Will be live next patch. Been asking chadz for a week now, so his quest for pressing the patch button might be finishable before christmas.

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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2013, 01:13:57 pm »
Don't talk to me like I was a dumbman like the common PC user, assguardian. I'm not too stupid to understand what this was about, and I still was the opinion it is alright to report anything. Not just because you can. As Paul found a fix now, everything is alright.
The suggestion before to give nudges and kicks +1 dmg was bad as well, though it could have meant to remove 0 dmg reports.

Anyway, topic obviously done.
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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2013, 02:04:19 pm »
Excuse me if my tone went beyond my intention Miwiw. I never took you for a dumbman. Actually I never take anyone at all for a dumbo before they clearly display it themselves. You just seemed to ignore the actual vital spot of the suggestion. And to be honest, I think I got kind of mad about it.

Then again, honest and sincere apologies to you if I appeared to be offensive. I never meant to do that.

Also, thanks a lot Paul for addressing this issue.

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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2013, 06:15:42 pm »
That 0 damage nudge, kick, jerk off swing usually leads a person to get killed. Soooo you got three options: don't nudge, don't kick or swing like a jerk off!
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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2013, 06:34:16 pm »
That 0 damage nudge, kick, jerk off swing usually leads a person to get killed. Soooo you got three options: don't nudge, don't kick or swing like a jerk off!

Explain how a 0 damage glance/bounce swing gets you killed Dreadnok. I would really like to know.

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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2013, 06:40:44 pm »
It stops a block, ergo when an enemy attacks in that second, you get killed. Happened more than once already to me, though that was also before reporting 0 dmg was introduced.
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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2013, 06:44:50 pm »
It stops a block, ergo when an enemy attacks in that second, you get killed. Happened more than once already to me, though that was also before reporting 0 dmg was introduced.

Your example is an actual teamhit countered by a block Miwiw. Not a glance contact that happens at the 180th point of a 180 degree slash.

I tell you, you guys are trying way too damn hard to object to a very reasonable request.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 06:48:26 pm by ASGUARDIAN »

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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2013, 06:50:09 pm »
It's already getting changed, as Paul said. We don't object but what else is a 0 dmg hit but a glance?
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Re: Remove 0 damage reporting
« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2013, 06:59:16 pm »
It's already getting changed, as Paul said. We don't object but what else is a 0 dmg hit but a glance?

As I said Miwiw, it not even a hit and before this new reporting system, nobody ever noticed it. It is that unnoticable contact (this is why I always use contact instead of hit) at the very end of a weapon's attacking arc. Again, I understand everyone's frustration of teammate nudging and kicking. But this is something entirely different and irrelevant to those.

Whatever though. Paul addressed the issue and maybe it is time we locked this thread.