My K/D is fairly even between all the classes I've played. One question, though.
Across the board, consistently highest K/D? Or highest K/D reached ever?
My highest consistent K/D is achieved with cav in battle because you can go take all the easy kills at the start, always getting at the least 5 kills per round. Pointless peasant kills or people who die to everything anyways, so kills that don't matter to your team. But kills nonetheless.
My highest EVER k/d in a map? Pole arms ofc. I think I went 32-0 with a pike on siege once. Definitely the highest ratio for a map ever, not highest kill total of course.
I'll put cav down in the poll because unless i am jokingly playing around trying to cav on a siege map or something, it is always 5 or higher K/D. Usually higher. Thanks unaware people using no teamwork, you are easy kills.