As much as I like Arty as an Admin I will have to voice my complaint.
Through ordinary circumstances as far as cRPG goes, we can see horse archers, crossbowmen, regular straight up gunghoe archers, go about there business shooting and flopping like the rest of the hold of teammates have to offer. Shoot... and... miss... for 6+ minutes on end and if they survive into the wee bits of time? No biggy, combat is ongoing despite the shit tolerance during peek NA play.
But when it comes to 3am+ it's serious business.
I'm sorry, but time differentiation does play an effect despite player basis.
If you can tolerate the nonsense then, then glaring at red death and myself who has no part in my anger is nonsensical and bullshit.
As much as I'd enjoy finding decent admins to placate too I've lost faith in another, as far as NA admins go... EU's not making long strides in depending on either...
But the fact I was banned on such a simplicity and slight of time really does bother me.
I play serious.
I'm rule conscientious.
The reason I was banned, is arguable, i can't say you're wrong because in all reality to this system... My fucks could give not.
I'm bummed, and in all honesty it gives more inclination to the wedge that drives me and others from this game.
Not that arty was involved whatsoever, but friends have been banned based on simple 'Q' chat spam. If using a vocal, non-combat effective spam is equatable to hourly/daily/monthly ban then we either need to rethink functions or rethink Admin applicants.
All in all, I'm of the opinion that you took your powers too far. I've seen your shit. And it's weak that I'm dealing with a bus this time.
In my opinion, if this was during a decent hour I'd flip shit, however, you banned me off peak, so fuck me right?